13 June 2012

Anna Ramdev Occupy Movement Jan Lokpal Bill Black Money what Indians will get What American citizens will get

Anna Ramdev Occupy Movement Jan Lokpal Bill Black Money what Indians will get What American citizens will get

Anna is fighting for a new law and new agency which will reduce the corruption in India.

Jan Lokpal bill will reduce 75% corruption but  as majority citizens are corrupt thus they are afraid to accept the Jan Lokpal Bill.

Now Ramdev Baba is fighting for Black money but he is fighting for many things and it becomes  Khichadi or Missal of demands.

Both are fighting for good cause and good demands Black money and Jan Lokpal Bill.

But what will happen to their demands?

What we Indians will get ?

We will never get Jan Lokpal Bill or Black Money declared as a national property.

When we got independence we got  Bhagat and Bose who were  like nuclear bombs.

Today we do not have such citizens who are deeply in love with India like Bhagat or Bose.

We got Anna like Gandhi but side by side Gandhi got Bhagat and Bose but here Anna is alone.

Thus  Whatever may happen we will not get Jan Lokpal Bill.

But Anna doesn’t  help political parties to become big using his name and fame.

Regarding Ramdev Baba his cause and demand is good.

But no one is going to accept his demand as all rich people and  politicians have kept their  money  outside India.

India will not get  black money but political parties will improve their image by standing with Ramdev Baba.

This will give rise to the religious minded people and  political parties who may not follow Indian constitution.

We will not get Black Money but Ramdev Baba will become bigger and religious political parties will become bigger.

Now Occupy Movement which spread in USA and other places.

Problem with Occupy movement is that what is their demand nobody knows, what changes they want in USA  nobody knows.

There is no clarity , Occupy movement people need to find a leader and team of lawyers who will frame a good law and they should demand that law be passed by President Obama.


Anna or Ramdev or Occupy  movement we will get nothing, but  if we support them our next generations will get a boiling pot of water which will help them win the cause.

Thus  Support the demand of Anna Hazare support Jan Lokpal Bill
Thus Support Ramdev Baba his demand to declare black money as a national property
Thus Support Occupy Movement as it’s a global movement which is fighting for different reasons in different cities but its fight of common citizens

Reality views by sm –

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Tags – Anna Hazare Ramdev Baba


Michael June 13, 2012  

Sounds like a cause worth fighting for.

karan July 14, 2012  

Main problems are two-

1. Lokpal if becomes corrupt example takes bribe and puts in foreign secret account, common citizens cannot do anything , since of lack of evidence. This corrupt lokpal can sell out the country to the MNCs

2. The procedure of complaint in janlokpal; complaints can be easily be suppressed even if they are of lakhs or thousands.

SM July 23, 2012  


thanks read the Janlokpal bill again.
do not confuse congress lokpal with anna janlokpal

Sara Hager December 07, 2012  

Main problems are two- 1. Lokpal if becomes corrupt example takes bribe and puts in foreign secret account, common citizens cannot do anything , since of lack of evidence. This corrupt lokpal can sell out the country to the MNCs 2. The procedure of complaint in janlokpal; complaints can be easily be suppressed even if they are of lakhs or thousands.

Smith January 08, 2013  

Main problems are two- 1. Lokpal if becomes corrupt example takes bribe and puts in foreign secret account, common citizens cannot do anything , since of lack of evidence. This corrupt lokpal can sell out the country to the MNCs 2. The procedure of complaint in janlokpal; complaints can be easily be suppressed even if they are of lakhs or thousands.