25 May 2012

Kerala Governments Bans sale and consumption of Gutka and paan masala in state

Kerala Governments Bans sale and consumption of Gutka and paan masala
in state

On Friday Kerala Government imposed a complete ban on sale and consumption of Gutka and paan masala in Kerala state.

Chief Minister Oommen Chandy said the State Government had enforced the ban on gutka/pan masala under the provisions of Food Safety and Standards Regulation Act, 2011.

Media has reported that the ban prohibits the manufacture, storage, distribution and sale of products that contain tobacco and nicotine, in whatsoever name it is available in the market.

The time will tell the truth.

It’s not clear manufacturing or  making of Gutka and Paan Masala is banned in state or not.

If production and manufacturing of Gutka is not banned in Kerala then no use of such ban.

It will increase corruption in the state and by paying bribes every pan shop will sell the Gutka.

Still it is not clear what will be the punishment for sale and consumption

Punishment should be 10 Lakh Rupees or 10 Year of Jail for consumption or sale even if family becomes beggar.

Reality views by sm –

Friday, May 25, 2012

Tags – Kerala Gutka Ban              


रविकर May 25, 2012  

सुन्दर प्रस्तुति |
आभार वीरुभाई ||

Destination Infinity May 25, 2012  

I think it is a good move. It will discourage at least some people from using it.

Destination Infinity