Video Gujarat Porn gate BJP MLA Shankar Choudhary, Jetha Bharwad Watch Porn inside Gujarat assembly
Video Gujarat Porn gate BJP MLA Shankar Choudhary, Jetha Bharwad Watch Porn inside Gujarat assembly
We saw the Karnataka Porn gate now here is another Porn gate its Gujarat Porn gate.
Congress party accused two BJP MLAs of watching objectionable material on a tablet.
Chaudhary is an MLA from Radhanpur, Bharwad is from Shehra
A journalist has submitted a video clip which shows the two legislators
The two MLAs, Shankar Choudhary of Radhanpur and Jetha Bharwad of Sehera watching something on tablet.
Few say it was the porn I do not know what they were watching.
Nothing is bad in watching porn, if they were watching porn they should accept it and should demand that legalize the porn making and watching.
Both the MLAs told to TOI that the claim is baseless and without any truth,"
The tablet has been handed over to the secretary of the assembly and the speaker has ordered an inquiry to find out exactly what it contains.
There is no such need just plug it and let the all the citizens of India see what it has why to waste the time on the name of inquiry.
In Karnataka porn gate no one is going to get punishment and they got the clean chit after inquiry.
What is the use of tablet and 3G or 4G phones only one use to watch porn as we enjoy watching porn and we say we do not watch porn.
Porn is dirty. Our culture is great.
No scope for Porn but we dream about porn all the time.
Watch Video Gujarat Assembly Blue film Porn Movie
Reality views by sm –
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Tags – Gujarat Porn Gate
Mera bharat mahaan
You'd think they'd wait until they got home to look at this kind of stuff but no...
sm, Are these political meetings so boring that they have to find means to entertain them throughout meeting?
Hope they make strict rule and restrict use of phones and laptops during meetings.
those be some weird names :D
Usha, thanks.