22 March 2012

No Indian Army Job if you got the tattoo why

No Indian Army Job if you got the tattoo why

Army Recruiting Office is organizing a recruitment drive for various posts at Mhow near here from April 25 to April 30 for youths from Ujjain and Indore divisions.

Colonel GS Daveta, recruitment director, Mhow Area told to media that
"Army has decided in principle that barring name and religious symbol on lower part of the arm (between wrist and elbow), candidates having tattoo on any other part of the body are not eligible for enrolment,"

What is the reason for not hiring individual if got the tattoo?
Reason is very simple and foolish.
Tattoos are often made with used needles without sterilization, which poses the risk of HIV infection.

Do you think only needle is reason for HIV.

Then I think sex should be also banned for army persons.

When someone has sex then there are more chances that the person will get HIV.

Is it not against the fundamental right?

Few People think that The boys who got the Tattoo are character less.

They should increase the education level not something which is not useful.

I respect the Arm Forces but one requires the will power to get the Tattoo I think tattoos should be made compulsory for them to see and check their will power.

I think someone should file a PIL in the Supreme Court of India regarding such restriction which is not valid.

What if someone gets the Tattoo of Bharat Mata then will become ineligible for the Job?

Reality views by sm –

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Tags - Indian Army No Tattoo


virendra sharma March 22, 2012  

True tatto is a fashion statement these days and is a possible source of HIV transmission too .It is ridiculous to ban tatoo in the recruitment process in an era of Naxals and terror hit states.