21 February 2012

Water Policy 2012 good or bad for India New Water Policy Water Supply may go into the hands of Private Companies just like Roads

Water Policy 2012 good or bad for India New Water Policy Water Supply may go into the hands of Private Companies just like Roads

Water is a scarce resource.
India has more than 17 percent of the world’s population, but has only 4% of world’s renewable water resources with 2.6% of world’s land area.

As per present estimate, India receives on average annual precipitation of about 4000 Billion Cubic Meter (BCM), which is its basic water resource. Out of this, after considering the natural evaporation- transpiration, only about 1869 Billion Cubic Meter (BCM) is average annual natural flow through rivers and aquifers.
Of this, only about 1123 BCM is utilizable through the present strategies.

Thus, the availability of water is limited.
there are inequitious distribution and lack of a unified perspective in planning, management and use of water resources.

The objective of the National Water Policy is to take cognizance of the existing situation and to propose a framework for creation of an overarching system of laws and institutions and for a plan of action with a unified national perspective.

Currently as an Indian citizen do you get the good, clean water in your house?
If you are using water filter then answer is No.
If you are planning to buy a water filter then answer is No.

This clearly shows that in last 64 years politicians failed in their duty to provide Indian citizens
Clean and good drinking water.

They even failed to provide the water to farmers.

Now Government has come up with the new water policy to solve many problems of India and India citizens.

As usual the policy is beneficiary to rich people and business houses.

Law and policy got the 2 sides , objective and corresponding sections of laws.
Sections of laws see that the objective is achieved

In India objective and preamble is always great,
even silent features are great.
But the corresponding sections and laws are toothless which give ample opportunities to do corruption, lot of loopholes are kept so that even if corruption happens no one will go easily to jail.

Yes India needs a water policy for India this is very good step by Government of India.

Water Policy 2012


7.1 Over and above the pre-emptive uses for sustaining life and eco-system,
Water needs to be treated as an economic good and therefore, may be priced to
Promote efficient use and maximizing value from water. While the practice of
administered prices may have to be continued, economic principles need to
Increasingly guide the administered prices.

7.2 There should be a mechanism in every State to establish a water tariff
system and fix the criteria for water charges, preferably on volumetric basis, at
sub-basin, river basin and State level after ascertaining the views of the
Beneficiary public, based on the principle that the water charges shall reflect the
full recovery of the cost of administration, operation and maintenance of water
resources projects taking into account the cross subsidy, if any.

7.3 Recycle and reuse of water, after treatment to specified standards,
should be encouraged through a properly planned tariff system, in which there is
a cost for the quantity withdrawn, a refund for properly treated water returned for
reuse and heavy fines for returning polluted waters.

7.4 Water Users Associations should be given statutory powers to collect and
retain a portion of water charges, manage the volumetric quantum of water
allotted to them and maintain the distribution system in their jurisdiction.

7.5 Heavy under-pricing of electricity leads to wasteful use of both electricity
and water. This needs to be reversed

8.4 Sources of water and water bodies should not be allowed to get polluted.
System of third party periodic inspection should be evolved and heavy penalty
should be imposed on the basis of polluter pays principle. The money recovered
from penalty may be put in a fund for facilitating water treatment.

8.6 The water resources infrastructure shall be maintained properly to
continue to get the intended benefits. A suitable percentage of the costs of
infrastructure development may be set aside along with collected water charges,
for repair and maintenance. Contract for construction of projects should have
inbuilt provision for longer periods of proper maintenance and handing over back
the infrastructure in good condition

Local governing bodies like Panchayats, Municipalities, Corporations,
etc., and Water Users Associations shall be involved in planning and
implementation of the projects.

The cost of rehabilitation and compensation to the project affected
families should partly be borne by project benefited families through adequate
pricing of water.

A Water Regulatory Authority should be established in each State.
The Authority, inter-alias, will fix and regulate the water tariff system and charges, in
general, according to the principles stated in this Policy in an autonomous

The Authority may also have functions other than tariff systems, such
as regulating allocations, monitoring operations, reviewing performance and
suggesting policy changes, etc. Water Regulatory Authority in a State may also
assist in resolving intra-State water-related disputes.

There should be a forum at the national level to deliberate upon issues
relating to water and evolve consensus, co-operation and reconciliation amongst
party States.

A similar mechanism should be established within each State to
amicably resolve differences in competing demands for water amongst different
users of water, as also between different parts of the State.

A permanent Water Disputes Tribunal at the Centre should be
established to resolve the disputes expeditiously in an equitable manner.
Apart from using the „good offices‟ of the Union or the State Governments, as the case
may be, the paths of Arbitration and Mediation may also to be tried in dispute

The “Service Provider” role of the state has to be gradually shifted to that
of a regulator of services and facilitator for strengthening the institutions
responsible for planning, implementation and management of water resources.
The water related services should be transferred to community and / or private
sector with appropriate “Public Private Partnership” model.

After reading the complete draft one will feel wow great, good plan.

But in reality will it get reflected into the good law.

No the current draft do not mention that Water business will be done on no profit and no loss basis or there will be cap on profits making and very strict punishments.

It talks about profit making, I think even it encourages to make profits from water.

Nothing is clear in this policy everything is sweet and sweet and sweet and sweet.

Clarity is always required in the good law.

Example -
I will build a dam in 1 year or I will retire.

below is other example -

I will try to build a dam in a one year, if because of any problem

 if project gets delayed public will not be told the reasons and I will not retire and project will be continued dam is good for public, and good and sweet and sweet and sweet.
By just writing need and benefits and the focus is shifted intelligently and real questions of laws are never touched.

Private Party - Role of Private Party, Profits - will be it be controlled,
Politicians sons and daughters will they be eligible to get the contract,
if private party fails will it pay damages,
the director will go to jail.
Does government will provide subsidy to private parties if they fail to provide services?
Does the government will take the loans from World bank will provide money to private companies on zero interest to establish private companies and supply water and do other activities

As there is no clarity private companies will become the owners of Indian water indirectly.

They will decide how much water you and me should use for our bath.
But they will allow and supply unlimited water to politicians and rich people.

Private companies will control the complete river area; they may ban your entry into that area,
Fishing will get affected.
Religious problems will be created like throwing of dead body into the river.

Once the private company gets the control, they may sign agreement that
Only XYZ company will be allowed to sale water in Pune city other private individuals or companies will not be allowed to sale water.

What if the private companies form a syndicate and distribute the cities orally.
Like I got presence in Maharashtra so I will control Maharashtra.
You got control in Gujarat you control the Gujarat and we both will make the profits.

Using the above policy government is giving away its responsibility to private companies.

In many other countries, who privatized the water now those countries are again taking control of water in government hands

Private company or public private companies are formed only to make profits

Using the different names or thorough international organizations, big companies, International companies try to influence the government and politicians and because of that bad laws and bad policies are framed and loopholes are kept in the laws.

Roads are build using public private method.
Private companies spend money, they collect toll.
Private companies spend 1 Crore and in a year they earn 1 Crore , after that also majority times roads are not good and they keep increasing the Toll charges and keep making money.

The water draft policy 2012 is not good for poor people
The water draft policy 2012 is not good for middle class people.
The water draft policy 2012 is not good for Indian farmers.

Does New Water Policy 2012 say this?
No Profit No Gain Just Social Service = Water Policy 2012

If the above statement or similar statements are not mentioned in the law or draft policy then surely it is going to be a profit making business using the water and water related all activities.

I hope opposition parties will oppose the new water policy 2012 and will demand that add the lines

No Profit No Gain Just Social Service = Water Policy 2012

Suggested Reading –

Read the complete DRAFT NATIONAL WATER POLICY 2012

Know 24 Salient Features of Draft National Water Policy (NWP, 2012)

Reality views by sm –

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tags – Water Policy 2012 India


Destination Infinity February 21, 2012  

It is true that private companies are created to make profits and social equality, etc is not important for them. But they make enormous investments and create a lot of jobs while making those profits. Instead of having no proper roads, we thought that its better to have good roads and pay toll for them. Like that, if water as a resource can be efficiently utilized and distributed, maybe we can pay a higher price for it?

BTW, rain water harvesting is a very important step required for retaining some rain water in the ground. It should be made mandatory across all states and cities, like how it is in Chennai now.

Destination Infinity

Rachit February 21, 2012  

same story every time with the GoI... policies for the rich .,, :(

Weakest LINK

DWei February 21, 2012  

No plans to visit India anytime soon. I doubt the tourists get clean water either.

sm February 22, 2012  

Destination Infinity,,thanks.
DWei, thanks.

Anonymous,  April 18, 2012  

Shameless Policy, by this a person owning a well in his farm cannot use it. I cannot put boring puump in my house to take groud water. it will be taken by provate operators. Politicians are selling india to MNC or Rich people.