24 February 2012

Michigan Dearborn Panera Cares Café Eat and Pay what you can afford or nothing Is it answer to end piracy of software

Michigan Dearborn Panera Cares Café Eat and Pay what you can afford or nothing
Is it answer to end piracy of software

Address of Panera Café –
Panera Cares - A Community Cafe‎
22208 Michigan Avenue
Dearborn, MI 48124, United States
(313) 274-3301

As signs in the café say, "We are not about a handout. We are about a hand up for those who really need it."

Panera Cares Café is in Dearborn.
They do not list the prices.
They suggest the donations.
Customers do not pay to the manager or clerk of the café but customers drop their donations into the bins which are kept there.

Customers can pay the suggested donation, they can pay more than donation or they can pay less and if any customer can not afford to pay, he does not pay the donation, he can enjoy his meal and leave the place happily.

The clerk adds all the orders and then informs the suggested prices if customer is using credit card they clerk ask the customers how much charge.

In beginning people get it free and slowly start to pay as they realize the importance of cause.

Ron Shaich, president of the Panera Bread Foundation and executive chairman of the Panera company told to the Detroit Free Press that
In many ways, "it was a test of humanity," We didn't know if people would help each other or take advantage."

Colleen Kincaid, who manages the café at 22208 Michigan in Dearborn said that
We try to build relationships with people.

To discourage abuse of the system, people are asked to take only one free meal per day. And "if they come in a couple of times a week, we ask that they volunteer," "It helps them not feel like they're taking advantage."

How long they can sustain such business?

Yes they are successful in their business venture and many customers pay more than donation suggested willingly.

Such Cafes are in Dearborn Panera Cares Café and others in Clayton, Mo., and Portland, Ore., Now Panera has plans to launch more locations in other cities

Panera café provides food to customers in dignified way and its great idea of doing business.
At the end of each day, Panera Bread donates all unsold bread and baked goods to local area hunger relief agencies and charities as part of its local Day-End Dough-Nation program. Collectively, Panera bakery-cafes donated a retail value of approximately $100 million worth of unsold bread and baked goods in 2010 to help neighbors in need. Many of these organizations are served by Feeding America, formerly America's Second Harvest, the nation's largest domestic hunger-relief organization.

A business model this type of business model should be used by software companies and music companies to end the piracy.

If you can afford to pay 10 dollars pay 10 Dollars for the operating system or antivirus or a music dvd or movie.

But currently they earn more than 100% profits and thus people who can not afford to pay have to use pirated software as they can not afford to pay for the software.

Now Microsoft should use such a business concept for the Windows XP operating system as support will end.Windows XP is perfect OS and i am sure people will keep using Windows XP for many more years.
Thus Microsoft should offer a legal DVD of Windows XP without profits and this way
people can pay little amount to Microsoft and can start to use Windows XP legally and this will end the piracy of Windows 7 Operating system.

Currently what happens people think i am using xp pirated so what now i will use windows 7 pirated.

it becomes habit to use pirated software and which continues even after they can afford to pay.

Great Job Great Social Service Great Business

Reality views by sm –

Friday, February 24, 2012

Tags – Panera Michigan Café


Destination Infinity February 25, 2012  

There is a chain of hotels called 'Annalakshmi' in Coimbatore who successfully implemented this system of customers paying what they want. They did sustain for a few years, but while normal public were paying higher than what was required, college students came in groups and ate for free. This created a loss, and they had to close the system.

I know one community based restaurant in Tirupathi who do this, quite successfully. If the donation is higher than a certain amount, they even announce the name of the person/family in a mic.

Destination Infinity

SM February 25, 2012  

@Destination Infinity

thanks for adding more info