28 February 2012

Know about Agni 5 ICBM Missile Mobile Multiple Nuclear Warhead Missile of Indian Army

Know about Agni 5 ICBM Missile Mobile Multiple Nuclear Warhead Missile of Indian Army

1. Name - Agni 5

2. Type - Intercontinental ballistic missile

3. For - Will be used by Indian Army

4. Manufacturer Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) and Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL)

5. Unit cost - INR 250-350 million (INR) or $ 5.6-7.9 million (USD)

6. Weight - 50,000 kg

7. Length - 17.5 m

8. Diameter - 2 m

9. Range - More than 5000 kilometres

10. Engine - Three stage solid

11. Launch platform - 8 x 8 Tatra TELAR (Transporter erector launcher) & Rail Mobile Launcher (canisterized missile package )

Currently which Countries got the ICBM type missiles?
ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missile) club include following countries

1. US

2. Russia

3. China

4. France

5. UK

Agni 5 will cover that is using Agni 5 India will be able to attack
whole of Asia, including the northernmost parts of China, 70% of Europe and other regions under its strike.

Agni 3 is two stage missiles and Agni 5 is 3 stage missile.
he Agni-V is a three stage solid fueled missile with composite motor casing in the third stage.

Agni V is very travel friendly, road mobile, will be transported quickly from one place to another.

Agni-V got or will use the Multiple Independent Re-entry Vehicles (MIRVs) with each missile

Agni 5 is mobile road friendly missile.
Agni 5 is capable to carry at the same time 3-10 separate nuclear warheads and each war head with different range.
In simple language Agni 5 will attack 10 enemy cities when fired at the same time.
Or all ten war heads will attack the same enemy city.

MIRVs ensure a credible second strike capability even with few missiles.

It’s very easy to intercept a one warhead and destroy it but when 10 Warheads will be fired it will become very difficult for the enemy to intercept them at the same time and destroy it.

It’s expected that in coming few weeks Agni V will be tested by DRDO.

Media has reported that India plans to test launch its new Agni-5 intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), capable of carrying nuclear warheads, in the second half of March

Once the first test is successful after that there will be more 4 to 6 test fires.

Before 2016 Agni 5 will become one of the deadliest weapon of Indian Army.

Watch Video of 3 D model of Agni 5 ICBM Missile

Reality views by sm –

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tags – Agni V 5000 KM Range China


DWei February 29, 2012  

This is kind of horrifying stuff. o_o

anney February 29, 2012  

Thanks for the visit! have a great week!

Anonymous,  February 29, 2012  

In my opinion, the nuclear warheads should be used to destroy Indo-Caucasians, Indo-Aryans, Indo-Mongloids and Indo-Dravidians. This is what I feel.
But if you tell Yamamachhi he will say only we(they) look different and all Indians look same.

cookingvarieties March 01, 2012  

hi sm, great info shared.. scary to note of "deadliest weapons" . may the world always be at peace
have a nice day

sm March 01, 2012  

Treat and Trick, thanks.
Anonymous, thanks.

Anonymous,  March 07, 2012  
