21 February 2012

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Blackberry gives full access to Indian Government Server Set up in Mumbai

Blackberry gives full access to Indian Government Server Set up in Mumbai

According to the licensing conditions, the service providers are liable to put in a mechanism to allow security agencies to intercept any conversation or message of any subscriber whenever required.

Blackberry gave full privacy to customers but now as per orders of Government of India
now blackberry has installed servers in Mumbai so now on government can become big brother and can keep watch or interception of blackberry messenger services.

Indian security agencies were unable to intercept blackberry messenger service and enterprise mail.
After that government ordered the Blackberry to allow the interception of messenger service and enterprise mail.
In beginning Blackberry did not allow it but now Blackberry has provided security agencies full access.

May be because of Google and Facebook cases now Blackberry decided to allow the security agencies full access so they can intercept the messages.

Anyways if any one wants to do anything . he can use VPN and socks proxies.

Criminal minded people do not need blackberry.

Reality views by sm –

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tags- Blackberry Servers Mumbai


chitra February 21, 2012  

Is it for policing? Doesthat mean all messages would be coming under the scanner?

Kirtivasan Ganesan February 21, 2012  

You may have all the world. But you cannot achieve much. Such is the reality !!
Government may not do much with these servers. Bad days ahead for Indian subscribers !!

homer February 21, 2012  

is that a good news or what? accessing server means something you can play with...

sm February 21, 2012  

chitra, thanks.
Kirtivasan, thanks.
homer, thanks.
It will depend on the mentality of politicians what to do and what not to do.