10 February 2012

Apple Steve Jobs 21 Facts from FBI Level 3 Check The 191 page dossier Jobs took drugs

Apple Steve Jobs 21 Facts from FBI Level 3 Check The 191 page dossier Jobs took drugs

In year 1991 Steve Jobs was being considered for a "sensitive" position working
for former president George H W Bush - Export Council.
Thus FBI secret agents collected information which got 191 pages.
Yesterday 191 page information regarding Steve Jobs [FBI Level Three background
check] was released by the agency under the freedom of information act

1. Apple founder Steve Jobs describe him as an abrasive and ruthless character who took drugs and abandoned his family.

2. The report does not make clear whether Mr. Jobs applied for the position on the President's Export Council or had been headhunted for the role.

3. It is also not known whether he was ever offered the post, or if the unfavorable findings contained in the report disqualified him

4. FBI also obtained his records from Homestead High School in California, where he received an average grade of 2.65 out of 4.

5. Investigators even asked Mr. Jobs to prove he had been adopted after they failed to locate his birth certificate.

6. They verified his criminal record and found it’s clean.

7. They obtained details of civil law suits he had been involved in

8. They asked for his links to foreign countries.

9. Many of the names and other identifying information contained in it are blanked out.

10. Steve Jobs was visionary

11. One college friend described Steve as "deceptive individual who is not completely forthright and honest. Jobs will twist the truth and distort reality in order to achieve his goals."

12. Friends criticized Steve jobs for abandoning his high school sweetheart after she gave birth to their first child

13. Steve Jobs confessed to the FBI that he had experimented with drugs in his youth.

14. It includes an account of a bomb threat and blackmail attempt which Jobs received while at Apple in 1985, which he appears to have brushed off.

15. in the past, Mr. Jobs was not supportive of [redacted] (the mother of his child born out of wedlock) and their daughter; however, recently has become more supportive.

16. Friends described him as an impressive individual and recommended him for the government post.

17. when he left Apple He had formed his own companies, NeXT and Pixar

18. Friends told the FBI agents that Jobs had abandoned former girlfriend Chris Ann Brennan after she gave birth to their daughter, Lisa, whose paternity he initially denied.

19. In March 1991, he married Laurene Powell, with whom he would go on to have three more children

20. One female described his personal life as being lacking due to his narcissism and shallowness and she praised his vision and foresight.

21. investigators said: "He had not used any illegal drugs in the past five years however during the period of approximately 1970 — 1974 he experimented with marijuana, hashish and LSD. This was during high school and college."

Reality views by sm –

Friday, February 10, 2012

Tags - Apple Steve Jobs FBI Level 3 Check The 191 page dossier


Jolly Princess February 10, 2012  

If these are factual as you had written I felt sorry for Steve. It was a short lived life for him, after all. He did not enjoy much, the life he had dreamed to have.

spiky February 10, 2012  

he looks normally to me. visiting from philippines. :)

SM February 10, 2012  

Jolly Princess,thanks.
spiky, thanks.

ra February 12, 2012  

Steve Jobs was visionary!!!

says everything, rest ignored!!!

sm,  February 12, 2012  

@rahul aggarwal
No one is perfect