10 January 2012

PIL filed in Madras HC to Scrap Aadhar project of Unique Identity Authority of India (UIDAI)

PIL filed in Madras HC to Scrap Aadhar project of Unique Identity Authority of India (UIDAI)

Madras High Court –

PIL is filed by S Raju of Vriddhachalam in Madras High Court saying that
the process of preparing all-purpose Aadhar identity cards as illegal and demanded to
to scrap the Aadhar project of Unique Identity Authority of India (UIDAI)

The advocate N G R Prasad of the S Raju of Vriddhachalam to the bench that
the UIDAI, constituted through an executive order, had no powers to compile personal
details of people for Aadhar cards. Headed by co-chairman of Infosys Nandan Nilekani, UIDAI has so far spent Rs 673 crore between January 2009 and Nov 2011, while estimated cost for 2011-2012 would be Rs 1,500 crore.

The advocate said that an attempt was recently made to introduce a Bill in Parliament, the
Standing Committee on Finance discussed and rejected it on various grounds. "One of the main
grounds raised by the committee is that the Aadhar project is a threat to national security and misuse of data of residents," Without any statutory source for its existence, UIDAI
has been entering into MoUs state governments, central government organizations and private entities to execute the project.

Further he said that people are being asked to provide details like name, age, address, apart
from scanned images of fingerprints and iris.

Advocate said that "It is significant to state that in the Citizenship (Registration of Citizens and Issue of National Identity Cards) Rules 2003, there is no mention of collecting biometric data from the residents."
the Citizenship Rules 2003 mentions only about “visible identification mark"

Adding to this he said that collection of such details without any permission from any statutory authority or Parliament is unconstitutional and that it amounted to serious infringement of the constitutional rights of citizens.

the PIL said the card is being made mandatory for services like LPG supply and banks. Describing it as "surveillance profiling" and "compulsory extraction of movements" of citizens, the petition sought disbanding of the authority and putting its activities on hold with immediate effect.

What is Aadhar Card?

Aadhar (the UID number) is not mandatory. People can choose not to get an Aadhar card, Aadhar number.

In short The UIDAI's mandate is to issue every resident a unique identification number
Which will be called as Aadhar Card.
The Aadhar card will be linked to the resident's demographic and biometric information,
which they can use to identify themselves anywhere in India, and to access a host of benefits and services.
The UID number would authenticate the identity claim of a person and would have wide-ranging applications during the person's lifetime.

Aadhar number is 12 digit number.

UIDAI project was launched on September 2011.
Currently 20 Crore Indian citizens are enrolled in this project and each day 1 million numbers are generated currently.

If we will talk about hacking and this Aadhar Card we must remember that nothing is safe in this word. Theft is possible every where so better is India should use Indian talent to protect the data of Aadhar card or on the name of security again Indians will invite people from china or America or Europe to safe guard or protect Aadhar Card Information.

Aadhar Card type projects is not a new India.
In developed nations such cards already exist.

Do I support the PIL which demands to scrap the UIDAI project or Aadhar Card.?

I do not support.

Aadhar card is good for India only thing I fear is that the money is going to be wasted as it is not compulsory for all the government departments to use the Services of UIDAI project.

We need to make this card compulsory for everything and should declare that
If any Indian who does not posses the Aadhar Card will be treated as a criminal or spy or terrorist and he will be given punishment of 1000 Years of Jail or 10 Years of Community service [Free of Service or Salary] to clean the Sandas or WC bathroom which are present in the city which are build by Municipal corporation of the city.

The card has so many benefits that any criminal will fear the card if the card is utilized properly and the plan is implemented properly but I am sure just like Lokpal we Indian citizens will get the Aadhar card but the card will not be accepted by all the government agencies and departments.

For that PIL is required should be filed not to scrap the project but to make the use of UIDAI project compulsory for all public, private sector and government everyone.

More Reading –

Know How Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) will assign the unique identification number (UID) to Billion Indians


Suggested Reading - Know about Nandan Nilekani


Reality views by sm –

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tags – UIDAI Aadhar Card PIL Scrap

Around the web –

PIL seeks to scrap Nandan Nilekani's Aadhar project



virendra sharma January 10, 2012  

Very good piece of information and analysis which I Endorse as a sr .citizen of this country who at times can not prove that he belongs to this country for the simple reason I did not built a house or got one as inheritance and so remains a free bird without an identity .I do not stict to one place though served for 38 yrs for Haryana edn services and retd as HES-1.As of today I am with my son at 4c,anuradha,colaba,MUMBAI,But what is my next abode is not known to me .

Kirtivasan Ganesan January 10, 2012  

PIL are no more than a paper plane and courts waste time on PIL. It serves no purpose. PIL should be strong missiles with chances of winning the case.
Courts should check the weight of PIL and then only should spend time on PIL.

Anonymous,  January 10, 2012  

there are many confusion about aadhaar project.
I already applied for aadhar id.


sm,  January 10, 2012  

Alka Gurha,,thanks.

Anonymous,  January 12, 2012  

I think what needs to be debated is how UID can be made more effective. The very first thing missing in UID project is non linkage of UID to birth and death register. A temporary UID should be issued immediately once a child is born, this will reduce the load at least say after 18 years and it will be in complete compliance. Second what about the UID numbers of people who are dead. There is missing system of how are they scraped? There are many more suggestion to be implemented but UIDAI is not bother to take the suggestions on record nor they are involving intellectuals to improve the system. They have a help line/greviance suggestion office but no one can be contacted. I feel there is much more room to improve and implement this system.
I think Aadhar will be much more helpful if not immediately may be few years down the line.

sm,  January 12, 2012  

yes agree with you.
Just hope the project becomes successful and they involve more people and accept suggestions.