07 January 2012

PIL – Ban Chargesheeted criminal candidates in elections polls Supreme Court issued notice to government Centre and the Election Commission of India

PIL – Ban Chargesheeted criminal candidates in elections polls Supreme Court issued notice to government Centre and the Election Commission of India

January 5 –

Group of NGOs filed a public interest litigation urging the court to frame guidelines for debarring even those candidates who have been charged for a criminal offence.

advocate K K Mohan, appearing for the petitioner told ,submitted before the court that
“Lay down appropriate guidelines/ framework to ensure that those charged with serious criminal offences are unable to enter the political arena by contesting elections and lay down a time frame of six months during which trial of such persons are concluded in a time-bound manner,”

The petitioner also urged the bench to direct the Government to consider the feasibility of enacting legislation to deal with the menace of criminalization of politics and debar those charged with serious offences from contesting elections of any sort.

The petitioner said that This is evidenced by the declarations made by candidates in the 2009 general elections, which indicate that there were 275 serious criminal cases pending against 76 of the successful candidates in the elections to the 15th Lok Sabha,”

“Unfortunately the infiltration of politics by criminals has continued unabated. Might and money power have managed to prevail in elections in India and the common man is unable to exercise his right to vote based on adult suffrage freely and without fear or favor,”

After hearing the matter Supreme Court passed the orders.

The Supreme Court sought response from the Centre and the Election Commission of India on a plea to debar people charged with serious criminal offences from contesting elections which at present is applicable only to a convicted person.

It’s the duty of the government of India to make good laws for the Indian citizens but we Indian citizens are so lucky that to get a good law for Indian citizens we have to file a public interest litigation or we need some one like Anna Hazare who can open the eyes of Government.

Reality views by sm –

Saturday, January 07, 2012

Tags – Elections PIL Criminals

Source inputs from – PTI