31 January 2012

IAF (MMRCA) French Dassault Rafale won $10.4 billion deal to supply 126 Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft

IAF (MMRCA) French Dassault Rafale won $10.4 billion deal to supply 126 Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft

MMRCA deal amount = $10.4 billion
Number of Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft = 126

Short listed fighters –
1. French Dassault Rafale
2. Euro fighter Typhoon

From the above 2 fighters finally French Dassault Rafale won the contract to provide
supply 126 Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft to Indian Air Force.

As we can not make our own fighter planes we have to buy them from other advance nations.

Still they say we are going to become a Super Power.

The IAF will buy the first 18 aircraft and remaining 118 will be manufactured in partnership with an Indian company.

Watch the video showing and performing Dassault Rafale - Multi-role Fighter of France

Suggested Reading –

Know About Dassault Rafale Multirole Fighter – Contender for $10.4-billion tender for 126  advanced combat aircraft

MMRCA Deal Timeline of India's $10.4-billion tender for 126 advanced combat aircraft.

Reality views by sm –

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tag – MMRCA Deal 126 10.4 Billion


McBama February 01, 2012  

France? They better make sure their new aircraft have built-in flagpoles for raising the white flag of surrender.

Kirtivasan Ganesan February 01, 2012  

MoBama, I guess military aircrafts are more to do with the thoughts of pilot than anything. Much like Firefox.

sm,  February 02, 2012  

Kirtivasan, thanks.