17 January 2012

Complete Case Study Army Chief V.K.Singh files Writ Petition in SC against the Govt rejection of his claim on his date of birth

Complete Case Study Army Chief V.K.Singh files Writ Petition in SC against the Govt rejection of his claim on his date of birth

Updated on Thursday, January 26, 2012

Complete Case Study Army Chief V.K.Singh files Writ Petition in Supreme Court against the Govt rejection of his claim on his date of birth

This is the first time in Indian History that any service chief has gone to Supreme Court of India to get the justice against government.

Government says the birth date of the Army Chief V.K.Singh is May 10, 1950.
Defense ministry rejected his contention of being born on May 10, 1951.
The ministry maintained May 10, 1950, mentioned in his UPSC form for the National Defence Academy

On the other hand Army Chief V.K.Singh says that his correct birth date is
May 10, 1951.

The school leaving certificate of Army Chief V.K.Singh shows his birth date as
May 10, 1951 and other documents also show May, 10, 1951 as his birth date.

In his 36 years of service Army Chief got all the promotions as per his right birth date which is May, 10, 1951.

Now the question is why Government did not accept his real birth date?

Military Secretary Branch recorded General Singh's date of birth wrongly as May 10, 1950 and not as May 10, 1951.

Adjutant General Branch is the official record keeper in the Army and according to it General Singh's date of birth is May 10, 1951.

Adjutant General Branch has maintained May 10, 1951 as his date of birth from the beginning and all confidential reports relating to General Singh since 1970 have the same date of birth.

Military Secretary Branch has no authority to direct the Adjutant General Branch to record May 10, 1950 as the date of birth.

Defense Service Regulations specify that matriculation certificate alone will decide the date of birth.

Before moving a writ petition in the Supreme Court of India, Army chief V.K.Singh requested
Concern government department to correct his age but government of India rejected it.

The Defence Ministry has twice rejected Gen Singh's claim of accepting May 10, 1951 as his date of birth, which would have given him an extension of ten months in office.

Does the action of Army of Chief V.K.Singh filing a writ petition in Supreme Court of India against government is right or wrong?

The action of Army chief V.K.Singh is right.
Every Indian got the fundamental right to move in SC to get the justice.

General Singh’s tenure is till May 31, 2012 but if the correct age is accepted his tenure will be get extended by 10 months.

Army chief is very strict and honest man so what is harm if he retires after 1 year.

In coming months media has reported there will be procurements for army which will be more than Rs.5, 000 crore.
Example is arms purchase etc for the Army

The army chief is appointed for a minimum period of two years and retires at the age of 62 years.

Media has reported that Army chief has not sought the extension of his service but he is fighting for his honesty and honor.

If the age is accepted then it will change the name of the future Army Chief.
It will change the Succession.

If General Singh retires on May 31, 2012, the eastern army commander, Lt General Bikram Singh, would be up for consideration for the post.

But if Army chief gets extension then the northern army commander, Lt General K.T. Parnaik, would be in the running for the office.

If Bikram Singh becomes Army Chief then K.T.Parnaik will retire without getting a chance.

Western army commander Lt-Gen. Shankar R. Ghosh, who had earlier claimed 30 per cent disability on account of osteoarthiritis in hip joint, has got it revised.
He has got medical clearance to be fit to perform any duty.

As a Indian citizen for us every armed force soldier is respectful for us every one is brave and honest.

Remember today if Army Chief does not go to Court tomorrow the people who are saying he has done wrong will say him it was his fault that he did not move or approach to the Supreme Court of India for justice.

The action of moving to Supreme Court of India is 100% correct.

If 1950 was right year then why he was given the Promotions using year 1951?

SSC or Matriculation certificate also shows 1951 as birth date.

This answers it Army Chief is honest and he is doing his duty not to bow before injustice.

People say that he should resign.
People say that Morally Army Chief is not right in filing a complaint in Supreme Court of India.

But same people forget that moral and dharma teaches is that bowing before the injustice is a bigger crime than doing an injustice on someone.

Krishna Told to Arjuna that Oh Arjuna do not bow before the people who are not giving you your rights back.
Fight with them and take your rights back.

In India problem is everyone fears to go to Court against Government, thus when some one is approaching the Supreme Court of India everyone should encourage him if he is right in his decision.

Here Our Army General is 100% right and thus his action to move application to Court is 100% right.

No Religion. No Dharma, No Humanitarian Law teaches you to accept the injustice done to you and stay in your home.

Only people who fear the machinery, authority who controls laws and implements law do not approach the Supreme Court or say authority and stay like a slave praying to God send Bhagat Singh or King Shivaji to save us.

The another important reason to go to Supreme Court of India is that the decision of the Supreme Court of India is final and all Courts follow them.
Its precedent.

For a second think if the situation was opposite SSC certificate shown 1950 and he got everything using 1951 what would have happened?

Matter looks simple but just think

1950 is a clerical mistake and it should be corrected and he should get what is his as right
that is to serve as Army Chief for few more month and not to retire.

Before V.K.Singh there was only one instance where the army chief gone to Court.
In 1999 defense minister in the NDA government, George Fernandes sacked the
Admiral (retired) Vishnu Bhagwat, after that Bhagwat gone to Court.

Updated on Thursday, January 26, 2012

Last week a PIL was filed by an ex association of army officers which supported the Army chief was dismissed by the Supreme Court.

Now its expected that on February 3,2012 Supreme Court were hear the PIL , petition filed by Army chief.

I am sure that PIL will be considered by Supreme Court of India and notice may be issued to government of India.

Suggested Reading –

Short Biography of Army Chief V.K.Singh Know 23 Important facts about army chief
Vijay Kumar Singh


Reality views by sm –

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tags – Army Chief V.K.Singh Age Row


Christy Gerald January 17, 2012  

This happens only in India.Never heard it happened in any other Countries.Nice U have high-lighted the Issue.

Rama Ananth January 17, 2012  

Honesty apart, I wonder why he didn't realize the mistake earlier, why now all of sudden correction on his part?
Maybe i don't know the whole story.

sm,  January 17, 2012  


General was told that it will be corrected and in good faith he never took action.
otherwise how he got everything with the right birth date of 51.

kalaiselvisblog January 17, 2012  

its so sad to hear... hope he gets a right justice...

Teamgsquare January 17, 2012  

Hope justice prevails

sm,  January 17, 2012  

Team G Square,thanks.