19 December 2011

Nepal starts to use solar and wind energy to produce electricity Cost $3.8 Million for 1 village electricity

Nepal starts to use solar and wind energy to produce electricity Cost $3.8 Million for 1 village electricity

More and more countries are turning towards renewable energy, wind and solar but Indian government is inviting nuclear power which is dangerous and very costly to produce as well as destroy.

Environment Minister Hem Raj Tated inaugurated the wind-solar energy centre at Hurhure Danda area of Nawalparasi district.
A hybrid power generation system which uses solar and wind energy.

The wind system uses two large-sized fans which generate 10 KW of electricity, while a solar system installed close by generates an additional 2 KW.

The 12 KW will be sufficient to provide electricity to the whole village.

The Alternative Energy Promotion Centre under the Ministry of Environment is the implementing agency of the project that cost USD 3.8 million.

India is also country made up of villages; if in each village Indian government installs such projects India will not need Nuclear power.

I do not know what politicians get for bringing foreign nuclear power, if they want nuclear power then why they do not use Indian nuclear technology why they want to test the untested nuclear technology of other nations.

Always support wind energy

Always support solar energy

Never Support Nuclear Energy

Reality views by sm –

Monday, December 19, 2011

Tags - Solar Energy Wind Energy Nepal Renewable Energy


Rakesh Kumar December 19, 2011  

SM your sentiments are good.
If we explore and use wind energy,solar energy
it would be a boon to our country.
Thank you very much for nice informative post.

I welcome you on my new post.
I hope you would like it.

Destination Infinity December 20, 2011  

I remember reading some article where they were trying to convince people of Sweeden to use more solar energy as they get at least '6 hours of sun' on summers!!!!

We get 16 hours of sun in winters, but still have not taken advantage of this technology!

I think people should fight for this, instead sitting and watching TV serials inside home daily.

Destination Infinity

SM December 20, 2011  

Rakesh Kumar,,thanks.
Destination Infinity,thanks.

Saru Singhal December 20, 2011  

This is what every country needs. I don't know why our Govt doesn't work with companies like Suzlon on a larger scale.