08 October 2011

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Denmark imposes Fat Tax Denmark becomes first country to impose FAT Tax –

Denmark imposes Fat Tax Denmark becomes first country to impose FAT Tax –

Citing the reason of health the government of Denmark has imposed Fat tax that is to say
Tax has been imposed on fatty foods.

The government thinks that this will reduce the consumption of fatty foods by the citizens of Denmark.
The new tax will add 16 kroner ($2.87, 2.15 euros) per kilo (2.2 pounds) of saturated fats in a product.

The new tax will be levied on all products including saturated fats - from butter and milk to pizzas, oils, meats and pre-cooked foods

DI Foodstuffs spokeswoman Gitte Hestehave told reporters that the costs of
levying the tax would be passed on to consumers.

producers in Denmark have to pay the tax at source, for imported goods it is calculated by the distributor.

But I do not think this tax will last long and this tax may become the election issue.

Because if someone has got the money he will keep spending and buying fatty foods.

And there are few festivals and birthdays even poor parents think about buying cakes and chips for their kids.

I think as Government has nothing to do they introduced such taxes.

Reality views by sm –
Saturday, October 08, 2011

Tags-Denmark Fat Tax fatty food tax first country


Rakesh Kumar October 08, 2011  

It's quite interesting SM.

Liked your presentation.

Thanks to you for your visit on my blog.

But,you have still escaped my last post,
'Sita-jnm adhyatmik chintan-4'

Destination Infinity October 10, 2011  

I think this is a very positive move, SM. Of course, it may not possible to introduce such laws in US, India etc but at least a small country has taken the right step. It might become an election issue, but even in India we have higher taxes for cigarettes, alcoholic products etc. Don't we? Has that become an election issue?

Destination Infinity

sm October 10, 2011  

@Destination Infinity

thanks.our political situation and Denmark is different.
even in India corruption is not becoming election issue.