Who is at Fault Indian Politicians or Indian Citizens?
Who is at Fault Indian Politicians or Indian Citizens?
Who creates the problems in India?
Politicians create the problems and then they fight on that problem how to solve that problem and further they fight on which method to use and further they fight on Indian method is good or western method is good and further they fight why use western method and thus
Real Problem is never solved – which keeps their job safe and helps them hide their bad deeds and corrupt actions.
All Indian Political parties say we will stop reduce the corruption.
All Indian Political parties say we will stop corruption.
All Indian political parties say we will provide 24 hours electricity
All Indian political parties say we will provide clean water.
But did you ever thought all political parties say and wish same thing but still we Indian citizens got nothing.
We Indian citizens just keep watching the drama played by all political parties.
When I watch this drama I think did I become a Monkey
Or I am watching the fight of dogs and cats.
All political parties say petrol prices should not increase
But still petrol prices are increasing.
All political parties say our farmers should not commit suicide
Still Indian farmers commit suicide
Why this happens.
545 elected politicians got the power to make the laws for more than 1 billion Indians.
We Indian citizens do not make laws. Politicians make the laws.
When Politicians and their policies and laws fail they say it is not our fault.
Then who is at fault.
Indian citizens have to watch bomb blast happening every now and then
Still law maker politicians say it is not our fault
Investigative agencies who work under and as per orders of politicians say we are not at fault
Then who is at fault
Who got the power to make laws for India?
Who got the power to increase taxes on Indian citizens?
Indian politicians got the power to do everything.
Now the answer to real question is
Why India can not stop terror attacks?
They do not want to stop that.
Why petrol prices are rising increasing?
They do not want it and not interested as they get free of cost everything
All political parties say we must stop creation of black money
All political parties say we must bring back black money.
Did you ever thought when all parties want to bring black money in India
Did you ever thought when all parties want to stop creation of black money in India.
Why they do not declare names of black money creators.
Why they do not ban currency notes of 100, 500 or 1000.
Because in reality they do not wish to do that
They only do it what benefits them
What benefits them is fight and fight and fight and fight and ignore real problem
Same is happening with Janlokpal Bill
All political parties will discuss everything but they will not discuss and debate openly section wise each point in public view
Taxes are increasing and poor Indians are becoming poor, middle class is becoming poor and rich class is joining Forbes rich list.
Still they say it is not our fault.
Lesson to learn - is when talk with politicians only stay to the point and focus on the point.
Never ever discuss religion, caste, character of an Indian citizen
Remind the politician we are not here to discuss the character we are here to talk about the law?
What is opinion about this section of proposed law and why do you oppose it
Explain me.
Do not be a fool Indian and ignore the real problem by discussing the character of a person who is trying to solve the problem.
We do not elect politicians to discuss character of Indian citizens.
We elect politician to make good laws and keep laws amending if find faults in laws.
Reality views by sm –
Thursday, September 08, 2011
Tags- News Politics lesson
Both are at fault
Both are at fault. One must remember that politicians are also Indian citizens.Mud slinging does no good.
RBI does good financial parameter tuning which is doing good to the country. The steps by RBI are really good and good for the economy.
I look absolutely neutral in these issues and feel that
1)Character filtering of candidates as suggested by Union Law Minister is the need of the hour.
2)Lokpal mechanism of Rahul Gandhi is the best mechanism.
3)Parliament questions organisations on their working and organisations have to answer such questions.
Unity is the need of the hour. Citizens must practise this at all cost.
good analysis, we must look at institutions,not individuals.
Its our fault .. because we know they are corrupt and come elections 90% of us will still VOTE for them ...
A,thanks.Kirti,thanks.Renu,thanks.Bikramjit,thanksYes people who do not vote are also responsible.
I commented that Rahul Gandhi's Lokpal mechanism is good because I was looking at the mechanism not other issues.
thanks. I see it as another idea to delay and waste many years.
The problem is with the citizens. As long as they don't bother about electing the right candidate, nothing good will ever happen.
Destination Infinity
@Destination Infinity
thanks. Yes for this we need Right to reject or option to say no one is eligible.
We need change in our parliamentary system. No MP should have an option of re-election. New faces and new people should be given chances. There should be minimum E.Q. prescribed for Law makers. There should be a written test of candidates who go for election and they should give in writing what are they going to do when they reach assembly or parliament.
The major problem is we do not get any choices while we go for election and that is one of the reason why even intellectuals avoid voting.
As of today I feel very few of the existing MPs should be re-elected in 2014... let's make a deal.. Let us bring forth the best and the worst MP in the existing parliament and inform the whole nation of them. We all have a responsibility to brighten our future.
G8 my post get hidden... Thanks
We need change in our parliamentary system. No MP should have an option of re-election. New faces and new people should be given chances. There should be minimum E.Q. prescribed for Law makers. There should be a written test of candidates who go for election and they should give in writing what are they going to do when they reach assembly or parliament.
The major problem is we do not get any choices while we go for election and that is one of the reason why even intellectuals avoid voting.
India has been let down by politicians
@BK Chowla,
this blog is very informative for me....its a great work from ur side....thanks and congrats...
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