Anna must not be allowed to impose his will: Shashi Tharoor – Is Tharoor right or he is just playing politics.
Anna must not be allowed to impose his will: Shashi Tharoor – Is Tharoor right or he is just playing politics.
Kerala MP Shashi Tharoor told a gathering at Jawaharlal Nehru University that
A person who has never stood for elections cannot claim to be the voice of the people.
Tharoor said laws can be made only by Parliament, not by a group of people.
We cannot have a small group of unelected people imposing their will on Parliament because in the long term the danger will be to you, the people.
I do not believe we can conduct democracy either from the Ramlila Maidan or from the television studio.
Democracy must be conducted through both Houses of Parliament.
Tharoor, however, agreed arresting Hazare was a mistake, but went on to add: "Saying that I will starve to death, thereby potentially unleashing disruption, violence and anarchy in the country unless you pass a bill Is that democracy? That is the question we have to ask.
"If these representatives do not pass the laws you want, or pass the law you do not want, vote them out and get other representatives."
Now in this lecture what Mr. Tharoor said I will again make it point wise –
1. a person who has never stood for elections cannot claim to be the voice of the people
2. Tharoor said laws can be made only by Parliament, not by a group of people.
3. We cannot have a small group of unelected people imposing their will on Parliament because in the long term the danger will be to you, the people.
4. I do not believe we can conduct democracy either from the Ramlila Maidan or from the television studio.
5. Democracy must be conducted through both Houses of Parliament.
6. Tharoor, however, agreed arresting Hazare was a mistake, but went on to add: "Saying that I will starve to death, thereby potentially unleashing disruption, violence and anarchy in the country unless you pass a bill Is that democracy? That is the question we have to ask.
7. "If these representatives do not pass the laws you want, or pass the law you do not want, vote them out and get other representatives."
The reason write on this comment is one of the blogger friends requested me to write I think about the above views of Indian government servant MP Shashi Tharoor
Reality views by sm –
If you followed the journey of Janlokpal Bill you should know that
Who lied to whom.
Ten people were appointed to make a Lokpal law for India.
But later what happened we know that.
Single weak bill was made by government.
Anna said that if his Janlokpal bill is rejected by parliament he will accept that.
The concept of Lokpal bill is not Indian.
The countries who invented Lokpal from them we got the Lokpal bill.
They also got the provision of referendum.
Mr. Tharoor knows that Iceland is making their own constitution using face book and internet.
He does not talk about why law was not passed in last 42 year’s
He does not talk about government Lokpal bill is it good or bad.
He does not discuss the sections and points of Janlokpal Bill.
All the above comments are given by an intelligent politician who is making above statements to make remote control happy and to only save and improve the image Congress party.
A person who has never stood for elections cannot claim to be the voice of the people
A true democracy is one where elected politicians will protect the single voice of human being who is against the whole nation.
This is the true democracy even if he is wrong or right it does not matter,
First of all the question is does Indian politician can show the courage and protect the minority voice.
Do you think elected politician is a servant of Indian citizens or elected politicians are the kings of India and Indian citizens are slave.
I think only a slave has no voice in any country or kingdom.In a democracy everyone got the voice and government must listen him and discuss with him and government should not give danda to him if he is peacefully asking it.
Many times I read and heard saying that we can not take right decisions as our government is made up of different gangs of political business houses.
When government itself is run by mix of political parties then how come that government can represent the voice of nation?
Mix of political parties’ means that no political party is a voice of India.
Thus how come Mr. Tharoor you also become the voice of India.
You represent only your own village or city. You represent only xyz% of votes which you got in the elections.
Anna never said that he will do the violence against government if bill is not presented in parliament or not passed by parliament.
In a Democracy everyone got the right to say what he wants and encourage people to vote for this party and that party.
When Ramdev Baba got the danda I did not hear he opposed that.
I do not remember Tharoor ever spoke directly against the remote control of India.
Corruption moment of Anna was peaceful thus all the intelligent people who feel ashamed about India and its corruption those people supported Anna even if they have to do corruption for the legal work in a hope that their own kid will be saved from that corruption.
I do not know in USA and UK people do the corruption to do the Legal Work.
But here in India I know we have to do corruption to enjoy our own basic human rights and fundamental rights.
Appointing agent to get a driving license or passport is also one type of corruption.
It’s your right. Today we appoint agent not because we are too busy but we know that agent got the contacts and he will do our legal work properly and in timely manner as somehow he manages every officer.
Do not understand –
After doing hard work in a company for 31 days then you get your salary.
To get that salary if you will have to hire an agent then what you will call that and that agent.
Is it not corruption
More Examples -
Want a water connection pay bribe or come after few months.
Want a passport pay bribe or appoint an agent or come after few months.
He does not talk about any point of Janlokpal Bill.
Anna has started to awaken the Indian citizens and anger is spreading and people started to gather under one banner and one leadership and this fire is spreading
If fire keeps rising congress will not win the 2014 elections whatever they may do.
Because of this fear all congress party leaders are trying to protect the image of Congress.
But Problem with congress is that congress party is still in the era of 1950 and 1990 and today youth is in 2011 who using internet to get more and more knowledge.
How can parliament pass 17 bills in a 19 Minutes of time?
How can a parliament pass and raise their own salaries in one voice?
How can politicians tolerate criminals in parliament?
We Indian citizens do not have right to make the laws if you give Indian citizens the power to make the laws majority politicians will sit at home.
Fix retirement age.
Debar criminals
No right to contest elections if charge filed in court of law.
If you are aware about Indian politics then NAC is a body outside of government who suggest laws to government.
Why Mr.Tharoor you do not oppose that.
Your voice has no value in Indian parliament as Parliament is run by
the political business house chief and not by the elected Member of Parliament.
They have to obey the whip.
To save Ganga one Sadhu went on hunger strike he died that time why No one spoke and saved him.
How can Mr.Tharoor forgot Gandhi
what Gandhi did Anna is doing
what is wrong in following the Mahatma of nation.
Do you think People should follow Bose and Bhagat Singh to make our country honest.
Indian Constitution has not given any right to citizen of India and government of India is not implementing directive principals.
People say Anna should do this and that.
Why don’t you think Anna can not stand and fight for many causes at the same time.
Anna is not God but he is as good as God.
If you do not like Janlokpal Bill say that
why you are opposing peaceful right of people to gather and demand the good laws for the future generations.
Mr.Tharoor what said he said to improve the image of Congress party it is just politics and those are political statements it has nothing to do with the Janlokpal bill or corruption or future of India.
A politician who wins election by 10 or 25% of votes is he the voice of the people.
Every election they say we will provide you 24 hours of electricity and still no one gets 24 hours of electricity including metro cities.
Then how come we can trust our politicians who forget their promises the next day they win the elections.
This is not the democracy and this is just cheating done by someone to win the elections.
Upper house members also do not win the elections they are the friends of politicians or rich people who own the big industries and thus they get chairs in upper house.
Do you know in Upper house how many poor people are members of upper house.
Reality views by sm –
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Tags- News Tharoor Shashi Janlokpal Bill
Once you are writing a blog, try to write it in an organised way and after some research.
quote from your blog "A politician who wins election by 10 or 25% of votes is he the voice of the people"
Most surveys about Jan Lokpal agitation indicated that less than 10% respondants aware of Lokpal.
Then how you can claim Mr. hazare is India's voice?
Please stop blaming the people who has a different view than that of Mr. Hazare's view as corrupt or acting for the so called remote control.
You people are getting adament and arrogant than politicians in your behaviour.
"Mr. Tharoor knows that Iceland is making their own constitution using face book and internet"
How foolish it is to compare India and Iceland which has mere 3,20,000 population and 100% percent literacy ?
A bloger should be some more informed and realistic
Please tell me in India which politician got elected by getting more than 50% votes?
As you know it lot please provide me the name
How many people support Janlokpal Bill is not important.
Getting the strong very strong Janlokpal Bill or Lokpal Bill law for India is important.
Next generations will enjoy the benefits of this bill and law.
Let the Government of India servants come out with the stronger bill first then we can decide which bill to support.
Currently Janlokpal Bill is No.1 thus I am supporting it as it will reduce the corruption in India.
You are free to support weak Lokpal Bill.
While doing that think about future generations
Discuss the sections and laws of Janlokpal bill for the benefit of India and future generations.
Why are you afraid to discuss and talk about the point wise sections and laws of Janlokpal Bill.
Going on fast if is a crime then sorry tell me under which law I should file a case against government of India to make the good laws for our country which is becoming more and more corrupt and we are not getting speedy justice.
Under which law we can make it mandatory for government of India to pass and implement good laws in a fixed time manner.
Do you think we should wait for next 42 Years to get the strong Lokpal Bill law for the India?
Thank you for making and admitting that India is not 100% educated and is uneducated Country.
Population and education has nothing to do with the law making procedure.
We elected the politicians so they can make the good laws for the India.
You should be more realistic how many years you want Indian citizens should wait and watch that one day Government of India servants will pass the good laws.
In one day they can pass 17 laws but in last 42 years they are not passing the Janlokpal Bill?
If government brings and passes a weak Lokpal bill then who will be responsible.
For the benefit of India demand strong Lokpal bill or Janlokpal Bill.
What you think about the government of India Lokpal Bill?
Is it strong or weak will
Keep reading and one day you will also say we want strong laws against corruption.
Use energy to force Government of India to pass a good strong Lokpal Bill for India.
How is it possible to forcibly make a horse drink water?
No one can make me vote a particular candidate of a particular party. On similar lines how can someone force an MP to pass their bill. I cannot understand this.
Anna is going to places where elections will be held. The candidates will use Anna, win elections and then they will not pass Jan Lokpal bill.
I think our dear friend @Anonymous feels offended when we talk of Mr Tharoor.
Mr Tharoor wants to say that if you have made a mistake in electing me wait for 5 years and punish me not now. Now I am the king of you voters and you have to obey my orders. Had Mr Tharoor ever went back to his voters to ask what type of Janlokpall bill they want.
I think it is the responsibility of the MP to go back to his constituency educate people about Lokpal bill get their feed back and then decide which bill should be acceptable. Has Mr Tharoor anywhere close to this?
Making laws by Parliament??? For whom
I thought Democracy was Government of the People For the People and By the People... Where is MR Tharoor I want to hug him....
Dear Kirti, what Anna is doing is trying to educate people to select the right candidate and the party. Lokpal may be just one medium to awaken the voters.
I hope someone will ask Mr Tharoor what are his views on Lokpal bill? We would be glad and happy to vote for him again in next election.
Dear SM great summary I appreciate your reality views...and I am sure you have hit the nail at the right place. Period.
@Kirti are free to vote a good man or bad man it is your choice.
Its fundamental right of every Indian citizen.
Anna is praying that he thinks XYZ politician is bad so please use your brains and vote for the good man.
Its the fundamental right of every Indian citizen to say what he feels.
No one is using force, What Anna feels right he is doing it.
If Mps feel Anna is wrong they are free to reject Janlokpal Bill
And supporters of Janlokpal Bill are free to educate Indians not to vote for that MP.