04 August 2011

BMC Commissioner KO Bill Bhejo campaign - Dilip Moorkoth a Powai resident Mumbaikar with difference

BMC Commissioner KO Bill Bhejo campaign - Dilip Moorkoth a Powai resident Mumbaikar with difference

How to fight against path holes t Dilip Moorkoth (35), a Powai resident Mumbaikar with difference acts

Are you frustrated and angree Mumbaikar because of path holes and no roads?

As normally there is no road present we Indians are used to use the path holes everyday finding the road.

Now here is the Motto of Dilip Moorkoth (35), a Powai resident Mumbaikar
If any of the many potholes in the city have damaged your person or property in any way, go ahead; send the monthly bills to the civic commissioner.

Dilip is encouraging people and teaching them to fight for our own rights
He says that not to simply sigh with frustration at potholes, but take some concrete action to address the situation instead.

Dilip Moorkoth is a senior management executive with a private company, has taken up the crusade against the city's potholes, initiating a unique campaign - BMC Commissioner KO Bill Bhejo on site Facebook.

As part of the campaign, Moorkoth has appealed to Mumbaikars to join him in collecting monthly bills for expenses incurred owing to potholes.

He intends to present these bills to the civic chief shortly, so he can forward them to contractors who have failed miserably in making good their many promises of repairing potholes properly.

This means that next time if you suffer losses because of path holes, like you damage your car and have to spend money on repair send the bill to the BMC.

This means that next time if you suffer losses and have to do medical expenses as because of Path hole you damage or your leg and you fall on the road send the Bill to the BMC Commissioner Subodh Kumar.

On August 15, 2008, a frustrated Moorkoth had lodged a non-cognizable complaint at the Powai police station against the MMRDA and the BMC, submitting the many complaint token numbers that he received in earlier attempts.

But we know nothing happens as our laws are like Jokepal bill only to fool us Indians.

Do you know that where the rich and political people reside 365 days the roads are in good condition
We the poor people of India only suffer as we are not united.

Do you know the name of any officer or contractor was fined or went to jail for giving path holes on the name of Road.

Reality views by sm –

Tags – News Mumbai BMC Path Hole Roads Corruption


रविकर August 04, 2011  

भिक्षाटन करता फिरे, परहित चर्चाकार |
इक रचना पाई इधर, धन्य हुआ आभार ||


sm,  August 04, 2011  


Destination Infinity August 04, 2011  

This is really the best way to fight - Use the law against them. But for this to work, a lot of people should come together. After that, keep bombarding them with petitions and complaints and even bills like this. A GO has to account for everything they receive and if they receive a large number of them (through registered post requiring acknowledgement), they will be rattled.

Destination Infinity

Kirtivasan Ganesan August 05, 2011  

Mumbaikars are committed towards their city and have a high degree of educated behaviour. Delhi is very bad in this respect.
After Gujarat earthquake, Delhi govt. announced that people may donate money, old clothes or any other thing. And it was shameful of Delhi people to donate so many old clothes that Delhi government had to announce that clothes are not needed. The psychology of Delhi thinking was " पुराने कपडे को दे डाल पुण्य भी कमा डाल"