09 July 2011

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To Stop Illegal downloading Record labels, movie studios and ISP Join hands understand the Warning System adopted by ISP and Content Owners

It is very common that majority users of internet download movies, music and software’s
For personal use by doing this the user breaks the law as they do not purchase but they download it free of cost using P2P network or other websites.

Now in America to stop this downloading of illegal movies, music and television shows
ISP and Hollywood studios have signed a new agreement called as Copyright Alert System.

Which ISPs are participating in this agreement?
Some of the participating ISPs include Comcast, AT&T, Time Warner Cable, Cablevision, and Verizon.

Now after this agreement what will happen and how this warning system will work?

Few ISP already issue notices to customers when they find that the customer is using or doing illegal activity using his internet account.

But now ISP and industry has joined the hands to stop the illegal activities of internet user.
Now after this agreement all the ISPs will follow same procedure.

Exactly how this will?

A third-party will monitor file-sharing networks and collect the IP-addresses of suspected infringers.
These will then be added to a database and forwarded to the Internet provider who will send a corresponding copyright alert.

The owner of the content knows the IP address of the machine where pirated material is kept for downloading.

Your Internet Provider knows your IP address and your activities what you are doing on the internet.

Now the content owner will inform the ISP that this is the IP address where Pirated movies or pirated material is kept for downloading.

After this Your ISP will match your IP address and your activities and if ISP finds that
You downloaded movies from that IP address.

For doing this you will receive a First Notice or Initial Notice informing you that his or her internet account was allegedly used to share copyrighted content, and how to prevent this from happening in the future. The warning notice will include educational resources for how not to be a pirate.

After this they expect that you will stop downloading illegal material using internet service.

After getting this notice if you will ignore and keep downloading pirated material you will receive five or six times warning notices informing that stop your illegal activities.
Stop downloading illegal music or TV shows or Movies etc.

Each time a user is caught offering copyrighted material, that user will get an increasingly strident warning from his ISP.

First two warning notices will be same.
After 3rd notice you will be required to acknowledged that you have received a notice
Probably through a click-thru pop-up notice.

After 5 or 6 Notices ISP will start to take action against you.
What Action ISP will take –?

1. Digital Millennium Copyright Act already requires ISPs to have a termination policy in effect

2. temporary reductions of Internet speeds

3. redirection to a landing page until you contact your ISP to discuss the matter

4. if a copyright holder sues you for illegal downloading, the ISP can say it took measures to stop the activity and cannot be held liable for your activity

To stop this action or mitigation warning system allows the account holder internet customer who is accused of piracy to request an independent review but it will cost you $35.

Which ISPs are part of this agreement?
Participating ISPs include
1. AT&T
2. Cablevision
3. Comcast
4. Time Warner Cable
5. Verizon

Which Companies or Content Holders are Members of this agreement or who is backing this Plan?
Following are the companies and labels which are participating and backing this Plan.
1. Motion Picture Association of American
2. MPAA members like Walt Disney Studios
3. Motion Pictures
4. Paramount Pictures
5. Sony Pictures Entertainment
6. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation
7. Universal Studios
8. Warner Brothers Entertainment
9. Independent Film & Television Alliance
10. Recording Industry Association of America
11. RIAA members like Universal Music Group Recordings
12. Warner Music Group
13. Sony Music North America
14. EMI Music North America
15. American Association of Independent Music
16. And ISP

SM Suggestion –
If possible after getting first Warning Notice Contact immediately to lawyer if u can sue to get damages for this notice
Change the internet provider
Stop your illegal activities – Do not download anything

Reality views by sm –

Keyword - content material, copyright infringement, internet piracy, internet providers, internet supplier, ip addresses, isps, mpaa, Pirates, RIAA, time warner, cable, warning system, web entry, web providers, ‘Alert’


Usha July 09, 2011  

sm, Thanks for this information, my internet provider has signed up. We don't download anything but good to know.
Is there anything for Hindi movies and songs? Here Indian stores copy hindi movies and sell dvds for 2$.

Destination Infinity July 09, 2011  

I think this is a right step. Even India should adopt such a system sooner.

Destination Infinity

Treat and Trick July 09, 2011  

Thanks for this info, will this action eradicate illegal downloading?

sm,  July 09, 2011  


sm,  July 09, 2011  

Destination Infinity,

sm,  July 09, 2011  

Treat and Trick,