27 May 2011

IAS officer Babulal Agarwal IT dept says remove him from Job Chhattisgarh Govt protects him cancels suspension of tainted officer

IAS officer Babulal Agarwal IT dept says remove him from Job
Chhattisgarh Govt protects him cancels
suspension of tainted officer

Who is Babulal Agarwal?

Babulal Agarwal is a IAS officer The 1988 batch Chhattisgarh cadre officer

Babulal Agarwal is now serving as the Secretary, Corporation, in the Chhattisgarh government

He got 473 bank account

Babulal Agarwal is worth Rs 253 crores

He is owner of 30 companies

He has a life insurance policy worth Rs 85 lakh in his son's name.

Year 2003 – Year 2006
Agrawal undertook six training trips abroad on taxpayers' money.
The training programmes stretched for up to two weeks each and were conducted in the US, Denmark (twice), Singapore and Thailand.

Year 2008 –
Income tax department raided Babulal Agarwal house after his son's name surfaced in an insurance scam.
"Agarwal's brother-in-law had claimed to have paid for these policies."
In fact, a suitcase recovered from the brother-in-law, Anand Agarwal of Cosmos Group during the November 2008 raid, had yielded jewellery and cash close to Rs 1 crore.
A source said this suitcase also had some passbooks and documents belonging to Babulal Agrawal.

Year 2009 –
The IAS officer's name prominently figured in a multi-crore health scam in 2009 when he served as Chhattisgarh health secretary.
The scam, which related to the purchase of microscopes, colour Doppler machines and malaria medicines, made headlines but no action was taken against him.

February 2010 –
Babulal Agarwal was raided by the vigilance department.
After that he was suspended
And later on again reinstated.

Gupta said more than 60 Income Tax investigators were involved in the raid and that they had done due diligence before initiating the raids.

Brajesh Gupta, director general of investigations (IT) for Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh, confirmed the findings. "We found Agrawal's 220 bank accounts along with deposits of Rs 40 crore," he said.

Brajesh Gupta, DG Income Tax, MP and Chhattisgarh said that during the raid at his house in Raipur, the I-T officials found keys to four bank lockers.
One such locker at the Bank of Baroda contained Rs 15 lakh in cash.
The locker belonged to Agrawal; but just two days before the raid, it was transferred to his brother. “After seeing the documents it seems that with the bank’s connivance, they have been tampered

"We found Rs 7.73 lakh in cash in Babulal Agrawal's residence,"
"He failed to account for that money."

January 2011 –
Income Tax department submitted a report to the Chhattisgarh government
Recommending Agarwal's removal.
But Chhattisgarh government has not done it instead Chhattisgarh government is protecting him.
Chhattisgarh government failed to act against the corruption.

This is another example showing and proving that India needs agency like Lokpal which will file a police case and will not wait for the corrupt government to take the action on corrupt officers.

Punishment for Corruption should be death punishment or life imprisonment until death.

Reality views by sm –
Friday, May 27, 2011

Keyword Tag – IAS officer Babulal Agarwal Chhattisgarh Government Corruption


Renu May 28, 2011  

People like him are really bad, but worse are the people in govt who support him and reinstate him.

sm,  May 28, 2011  
