25 April 2011

What is endosulfan pesticide? Ban Endosulfan Pesticide. Under Stockholm Convention Endosulfan will get globally banned.

What is endosulfan pesticide? Ban Endosulfan Pesticide.
Under Stockholm Convention Endosulfan will get globally banned.

Under Stockholm Convention Endosulfan may get banned permanently by saving our Indian farmers and farm workers also.
The POPRC nominated endosulfan to be added to the Stockholm Convention at the Conference of Parties (COP) in April 2011

The EPA announced that the registration of endosulfan in the U.S. will be cancelled
Environmental Protection Agency declared Endosulfan as Unsafe.

Endosulfan is banned in more than 63 countries including European Union, Australia and New Zealand, and other Asian and West African nations

Endosulfan was banned in New Zealand by the Environmental Risk Management Authority effective January 2009
Australia banned endosulfan October 12, 2010

But in India Endosulfan is used and manufactured in large quantities.
It is produced by Bayer CropScience, Makhteshim Agan, and Government-of-India–owned Hindustan Insecticides Limited and other few companies.

India the world's largest user of endosulfan, and a major producer with three companies
1. Excel Crop Care,
2. H.I.L.,
3. Coromandal Fertilizers
Producing 4,500 tonnes annually for domestic use and another 4,000 tonnes for export.

India is strongly opposed to adding endosulfan to the Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions

An organochlorine insecticide first registered in the 1950s,
endosulfan can be used on a variety of vegetables and fruits, on cotton, and on ornamental shrubs, trees, and vines.

Endosulfan has no residential uses.
Crops with the highest use in 2006 – 2008 included tomato, cucurbit, potato, apple, and cotton.

Endosulfan is an organochlorine insecticide that can be used on a wide variety of vegetables and fruits, cotton, and ornamental plants. It has no residential uses.

Household exposure is not of concern because endosulfan is not approved for residential uses in America.

According to Scientific American, endosulfan “is a chlorinated insecticide that is chemically similar to DDT, which was banned nearly 40 years ago in America.

Like DDT, endosulfan builds up in the environment and in the bodies of people and wildlife, and it is transported around the world via winds and currents.
Nearly all other organochlorine pesticides already have been banned in USA.

Endosulfan is used on crops such as vegetables, fruits, and cotton. According to The Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] the use of endosulfan is not harmful to humans through dietary exposure, but new research shows that it poses “unacceptable risks” to farm workers and wildlife due to inhalation and contact with skin.

Data developed since 2002 has shed additional light on the risks faced by workers who apply endosulfan and those who harvest crops and conduct activities in fields after the pesticide is used.
Risks faced by workers are greater than previously known, in many instances exceeding the Agency's levels of concern.

Endosulfan can travel long distances from where it is used.
For example, a 2008 report by the National Parks Service found that endosulfan commonly contaminates air, water, plants and fish of National Parks in the U.S.
Most of these parks are far from areas where endosulfan is used.

People may be exposed to residues of endosulfan through food and drinking water, human milk. Damage will depend how much Endosulfan has been used.

Endosulfan is volatile, persistent, and has a high potential to bio-accumulate in aquatic and terrestrial organisms. A large body of scientific literature documents endosulfan’s medium- and long-range transport on a global scale and subsequent accumulation in nearly all environmental media. Through the process of global distillation, endosulfan is present in air, water, sediment, and biota thousands of miles from use areas.

The human effects are largely unknown but tests on lab animals have shown that endosulfan is toxic to the nervous system and can damage the kidney, liver and male reproductive organs.

Endosulfan is also a xenoestrogen a synthetic substance that imitates or enhances the effect of estrogens and it can act as an endocrine disruptor, causing reproductive and developmental damage in both animals and humans.

Researchers studying children from an isolated village in Kasargod District , Kerala, India have linked endosulfan exposure to delays in sexual maturity among boys

The researchers concluded that "our study results suggest that endosulfan exposure in male children may delay sexual maturity and interfere with sex hormone synthesis

Endosulfan has been banned in Kerala since 2005 in view of the grievous ill-effects of its use in cashew plantations in Kasaragod, including nearly 500 deaths and chronic health problems among the population.

The Pollution Control Board of the Government of Kerala, prohibited the use of Endosulfan in the state of Kerala on 10 November 2010

A 2007 study by the California Department of Public Health found that women who lived near farm fields sprayed with endosulfan and the related organochloride pesticide dicofol during the first eight weeks of pregnancy are several times more likely to give birth to children with autism.

Synonyms – Endosulfan
4.BIO 5,462
14.ENT 23,979
15.FMC 5462
22.HOE 2,671
26.NA 2761
28.NIA 5462
29.NIAGARA 5,462
31.OMS 570

Support and demand ban on endosulfan pesticide in India.

Reality Views by sm –
Monday, April 25, 2011 – 6.50 PM IST

Keyword Tag – Ban endosulfan pesticide

Source –


dr.antony April 25, 2011  

Endosulfan is not banned in the US.They are trying to phase it out over a period of many years.
The government of India has reasons to support continuing the use of Endosulfan.It is the cheapest and is non generic,meaning,it can be manufactured by local companies.
There are no reports of human effects from any where else in the world.
The alternate pesticides are all from the EU,and will cost ten times the price of endosulfan.

The situation in Kerala is bit different.It is the most densely populated state and there is no demarcation between farm lands and residential areas.Closer and continuous contact with the pesticide is hence possible.There is nothing wrong about Kerala not using it.But why should they insist that the whole of India should stop using it?

Arti April 25, 2011  

This is a great informative post... Never knew about this!!

sm,  April 25, 2011  

America is phasing out.In America people try to follow laws.
In India we are masters of breaking laws.
63 Nations are not fooled to ban the pesticide.
Very soon World is going to ban it.
Thus India needs to ban the drug.

sm April 25, 2011  


Rahul September 07, 2011  

These endo problems are real and felt not only in Kerala even in nebouring karnataka taluks also.
The problem related to endo was highlighted nearly 10 years before but Center govt not even opened its eyes!
Shard power still supports endo lobby strongly.
Let all sufferer send pack of endo to Mr.power or spray endo into his food.

market research report August 08, 2012  

India is the fourth largest creator of agrochemicals worldwide, after United States, Japan and China. The Agrochemical Industry market accounts for ~2% of the total Indian Chemical Industry.

Market Research Reports August 29, 2012  
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Market Research Reports August 29, 2012  

The agrochemicals market (industry) is an important industry for the Indian economy. India has to ensure food security for population of 1.21 billion while facing reduction in cultivable land resource. With increasing population, demand for food grains is increasing at a faster pace as compared to its production. This necessitates the use of pesticides.

Moreover, every year, significant amount of crop yield is lost due to non usage of crop protection products. So the industry is bound to experience healthy growth rate in the years to come.
industry report