30 April 2011

Horse dream interpretation meaning of Animal Dream Horse Dream Part 5

Horse dream interpretation meaning of Animal Dream
Horse Dream Part 5

Horse is a noble and powerful animal.

What is the meaning of dream when you see Horse in your dream?

When you see a Horse in your dream it means or shows strength, power, endurance, virility, sexual power and abilities and strong, physical energy.

To dream of a sea horse signifies the power of your unconscious.

What is the meaning of dream when you see black or dark color horse?
To see a black or dark horse in dream means or it shows that mystery, wildness, and you are entering into unknown business or something in which you are not expert. You are gambling.

To mount a horse bareback means you will gain wealth

When you see a herd of wild horses it shows that you do not have any responsibility you are free bird, you have not found your Lakshya or your aim of life.

To dream you are looking for a carriage means in future you will be required to do hard work in your life.

To dream that you see yourself riding a fine bay horse this shows fortune.

To dream of a horse running away with someone else on its back it indicates that you will receive the news about someone is sick may be your friend sick.

In a dream if you see white horse then it means that purity, prosperity and good fortunes.
If in this dream you see that white horse is chasing you then it means that you are having problems in intimacy and sexuality or sexual relations with your partner.

To dream of a galloping horse means ecstasy

In a dream if you see you are riding a horse then it means that you got unlimited sexual power, desire, unrestrained sexual desires. This also shows that you are having a good position in life and you got unlimited choices and opportunities.

To dream of fine stallions is a sign of success

But in a dream if you see you are riding horse and you have lost control and Horse is in the control then it shows that in your life you are not on right track, you are acting accordingly your passions without thinking about right or wrong path.

To dream of spotted horses means increase in profits.

If you see armored horse in your dream then it means that you are ready to tackle your business enemies and you are full of energy to defeat them.

In your dream if you see you are bathing or washing horse this means that you are again gaining power which you have lost, again you are preparing and moving towards achieving your goals.

If you see a dead horse in your dream it shows that you are losing your powers, you are losing your money, you are losing very important thing which gave you power.
Example Money, Political Chair Position, Job etc

1. In a dream if you see black horse it shows delay or danger awaits.
2. In a dream if you see white horse it shows increase in positive thinking. Spiritual enlightment.
3. In a dream if you see gray horse it shows difficulties.
4. In a dream if you see sorrel or piebald it shows you are in confusion.
5. In a dream if you see brown horse it shows mental pursuits. Down to earth.
6. In a dream if you see if you see tan or palomino it shows it’s related to love affairs.
7. Winged horse = the soul's ability to heal.

Horse equals to Horse indicates
• Power
• Grace
• Beauty
• Nobility
• Strength
• Freedom

A horse represents our instinctual side; animal or sexual impulses arising from the lower part of the body; sexual libido or energy; male prowess; the ability to be fleet or swift; the daily grind or horse race.

White horse is believed to be the last incarnation of Vishnu.
Buddha is said to have left this physical plane riding a white horse.
Also in Buddhism a winged horse is often depicted carrying the Book of Law.

China Horse is related with Gemini and indicates love, devotion and endurance and stability.

In a dream if you see mare or say baby horse then it shows that in your life you need someone who will guide you, who will love you, you need someone who can show you right direction.

Reality Views by sm –
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Keyword Tag – Dream Meaning Horse, Horse dream interpretation Dream and Animal meaning

Warning -
Dream Interpretation series is written for fun and entertainment purpose only.
Interpretation may or may not be right, if it is right then also it is right by chance.
Or you can say right guess.
Do not spend money on astrology and dreams and rings etc.