05 April 2011

Fifth April India starts second freedom struggle started by Anna Hazare for Lok Pal Bill Be Indian and Join Anna for Lok Pal Bill

Fifth April India starts second freedom struggle started by
Anna Hazare for Lok Pal Bill
Be Indian and Join Anna for Lok Pal Bill

Anna Hazare said that

"I would not return to Maharashtra until the Lokpal Bill is passed," said Hazare, who has announced an indefinite hunger-strike in New Delhi from April 5.
"There is a need for a stringent act to deal with corruption cases.

Today, no government official or politician is afraid of law, because they know they will not be prosecuted

Anna Hazare met with the Prime Minister in past regarding this but nothing happened.

In one of the interview Anna said that ministers told him that outsiders can not be allowed to make the laws for India regarding Lok Pal Bill.

The demand of Anna , the demand is right and justified.

From Last 40 Years the bill is pending , government is afraid to pass this law with the good provisions.

Current lokpal bill needs to be changed as it will not stop the corruption.

Reality views by sm –
Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Keywords Tags – Anna Hazare Lokpal bill hunger strike

Suggested Reading –
Lokpal Bill – Pending from Year 1969 –
If current Lokpal Bill 2010 Draft becomes law it will be useless why?



Destination Infinity April 05, 2011  

Not sure if a more stringent law would result in reduced corruption.

Destination Infinity

kiran sawhney April 05, 2011  

We should all stand up against corruption. Its time to take action. Unless there is real Revolution, there cannot be any Evolution.

Renu April 05, 2011  

I agree to what Kiran says.

Bikram April 05, 2011  

sure it does need changing but then the problem is why will the Changers Change the law because they will be the FIRST to come under it .. so i doubt if its gonen ever happen


sm,  April 05, 2011  

Destination Infinity,,,
Today it is guaranteed that if you govt servant or politician you will never go to jail forever.
this we have to change it.
this is reason we need lokpal bill.

sm,  April 05, 2011  


sm,  April 05, 2011  


sm,  April 05, 2011  


M'Bai Madrasi April 05, 2011  

its very tougher to get this bill passed...since the root of corruptions starts right from our governance...
there are many sms's and mails being circulated over appealing to support the strike by Anna hazare..it seldom goes noticed.

hope this soon eradicates the corruption in our country

SM April 05, 2011  

The madrasi,,

subhalaxmi,  April 07, 2011  

we are with always with you dear father "anna hazare"love you alot.thank you from core of my heart

PINKY FROM ODISHA,  April 07, 2011  

you are the inspiration and hope for the true indians who have true feelings for their nation.thanks a lot.

subhalaxmi,  April 07, 2011  

we are proud to be indian because we have ANNA HAZARE The second Father of our Nation.

sm,  April 08, 2011  


sm,  April 08, 2011  


Rahul August 05, 2011  

no offence but isnt it us who just start at the ground level???
with stopping the corruption.
i mean it is our country to start with... we start the basic levels and then it works it way up...
stop when we see it... dont encourage it to start with... and to be honest corruption starts at home... look at it we tell our children you do this and i'll get you this... i mean even in the slightest opportunities we have we look for ways to start paying our way out or in it? why?
is it so hard to keep patience ?..to wait in a line like a humble person?
just by sitting on our bums and saying oh why is my country so corrupt???
hell stand up look around we started it.!
and if we dont unite and stop it then no one can...no amount of campaigns... no amount of riots or boycotts will stop corruption if we dont.

sm August 06, 2011  

yes its everywhere but reason is our system and laws make the individuals do the corruption.