20 April 2011

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Community Solar Gardens to create 33% Electricity energy in California State – Solar Garden a concept for India – Say No to Nuclear Power Generation

Community Solar Gardens to create 33% Electricity energy in California State
– Solar Garden a concept for India –
Say No to Nuclear Power Generation say no to nuclear power

In America in 2010 Colorado State passed the first state law create community solar gardens (CSGs).

Last August first community solar garden was activated in El Jebel, Colorado.
The local residents became the collectively owner of Three hundred forty solar panels
Another benefit was that the solar panels were installed on unusable land saving the green and agriculture land.

Colorado law says that by the end of 2013, Colorado utilities will be required to purchase 6 MW of output from community solar gardens (CSGs) that are operating.

The first Renewable Portfolio Standard RPS bill approved in California in 2002 established that electric utility generators had to obtain at least 20 percent of power from renewable resources by 2017 and the good news is that California will achieve the 20 percent goal four years ahead of that schedule.

Last year the California Energy Commission approved almost 4,200 MW of new solar thermal capacity in the state.

Last month California Legislature passed the 33 percent Renewable Portfolio Standard bill. This means that electricity providers are required to obtain one-third of their electricity from renewable resources, including solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, and small hydroelectric plants.
The new law applies to all electricity retailers in the state, including investor-owned and municipal utilities, as well as independent sellers.

The measure supersedes a previous law that required 20 percent renewable electricity only from investor-owned and independent providers.

Under the new law, which will take effect in July, all providers must meet a 20-percent renewables target by the end of 2013, 25 percent by the end of 2016, and 33 percent by the end of 2020.

Because of Renewable Portfolio Standard RPS program renewable energy generation in California in 2020 will be roughly equal to total current U.S. renewable generation, and supply enough clean energy to power nearly 9 million homes.

In another development The U.S. Department of Energy has awarded a $2.1 billion loan guarantee to Solar Trust of America for a solar thermal power plant near Blythe, Calif.

Let us first understand what is Community Solar Garden?

Everyone knows what is Public Garden.
Same is the concept of Community Solar Garden.

In a community solar garden project local residents come together and start the production of solar electricity.
Community buys the solar panels they are installed and community uses the electricity.
Even electricity can be sold if produced more.
Government may offer tax benefits to such community solar gardens.

How the solar thermal power plant work?
Solar thermal power plants use an array of mirrors that focus sunlight onto a single point on a tower.
The heat from the focused sunlight heats up water, creating steam that moves conventional turbines to generate electricity.

The Indian government launched the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission, which plans for the installation of 10GW of solar by 2020.

In India we just make the laws without results as law are made in such way that no one follows, no one fears and no one cares.

Always say No to Nuclear Power energy generation.
As war is last option like that Nuclear Power is last option.

Reality Views by sm –
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tags Keywords – California 33% solar energy Say No to Nuclear Power Plants

Image Source - http://www.mygenerationenergy.com


chitra April 20, 2011  

i wonder why this is not encouraged or promoted in India even though we are an electricity-fuel deficient country. so much potetial available from nature and it is not tapped .i also believe instaling solar panels here is v.expensive.

i was away on tour again going for another tomorrow.

sm,  April 20, 2011  

good luck for journey

Destination Infinity April 20, 2011  

There have been some good measures taken by the Indian Govt in the past. One is the compulsory rain water harvesting system that was made mandatory in all homes in Chennai and was implemented pretty fast. Due to that, the water scarcity became very much manageable from the next summer. I think, for India, such things should be made mandatory - Compulsory installation of one solar panel in each house might work.

Destination Infinity

sm,  April 20, 2011  

Destination Infinity,,
Yes i agree with you.

Karthika Qpt April 21, 2011  

Normal solar power may be affected by weather conditions. But Space Solar power is the appropriate solution to get energy from solar.

sm,  April 21, 2011  


Alex Rello April 22, 2011  

Legislation id giving the perfect values for the renewable energy. Solar gardens allow people to participate financially in owning part of a solar array even if they do not have a suitable site on their own property.

sm,  April 22, 2011  


jennifersign October 29, 2011  

Solar panels can be a great way to conserve energy and save money. There are solar companies in bay area that can help you with preparing your house for solar power.