26 March 2011

Which Indian City has One Urinal for 9100 Citizens?

Which Indian City has One Urinal for 9100 Citizens?

According to the urban development norms and rules there should be one public urinal per 100 citizens, but the situation in Pune city is different.

In Pune city there is only one urinal for 9100 Pune Citizens.

As per 2008 records Pune got only 352 public urinals for whole city , for all the people of Pune including females.
But the in demolition drives many were damaged or removed thus current accurate number is not available.
But it is guaranteed that the number is below 352 public urinals for whole Pune city.

World is going towards Green, But PMC is planning to install and build Plastic urinals.
PMC had floated a tender for erecting proper urinals two years ago now I do not know exactly what happened to this proposal.

As per the BOT proposal, a private firm will erect the urinals and maintain them on a day-to-day basis in return for advertising rights from the PMC.

Currently Public Interest Litigation that is PIL is pending before the Bombay high court relating to the condition of public urinals in Pune city.

Reality views by sm –
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Keywords Tags – Pune city Urinal Problem, India Urinal Problems , No Place for females No Urinals for females in India, Pune


Judie March 26, 2011  

Very interesting! There are more toilets in Disneyland than in all of Latvia! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment.

SM March 26, 2011  


Rakesh Kumar March 26, 2011  

It's really pity. what is the stage of PIL ?
Whether it would help or not God knows.Thanks for bringing awareness in the matter.

sm,  March 26, 2011  

Rakesh Kumar,,

RNSANE March 27, 2011  


Good grief, sm, that is a awful statistic for me to hear as someone who is hoping to come to India for six months. As an older woman
( almost 67 ), with a mobility handicap, I am always concerned about toilet facilities anyway and this sounds really atrocious.

I have always been so jealous that men can easily relieve themselves "at the drop of a hat" so to speak while women must suffer in search of an appropriate restroom facility. This is nightmarish!

sm,  March 27, 2011  


sm,  March 27, 2011  


sm,  March 28, 2011  
