13 March 2011

Japan Nuclear power plant at Fukushima Accident Scaled at 4 by Japanese Nuclear Safety Agency

Japan Nuclear power plant at Fukushima Accident
Scaled at 4 by Japanese Nuclear Safety Agency

The Japanese nuclear safety agency rated the damage at a nuclear power plant at Fukushima at a four on a scale of one to seven.
The International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale, or INES, ranges from one to seven.

Scale 7 means Major accident.
Scale 1 means is an "anomaly"
More the scale more the damage.

Using this technique it becomes very simple for common people to understand the dangerous nature of accident.

The Chernobyl explosion in the Ukraine in 1986 was rated a seven.
That was the only event classified as a major accident in nuclear power history

This earthquake was rated 8,000 times stronger than the one which hit New Zealand in February 2011.

Entire villages in parts of Japan's northern Pacific coast have vanished under a wall of water

Reports from an Italian institute estimated that Japan earthquake shifted Earth on its axis by as much as 4 inches, CNN said.

More than 300,000 people have been evacuated, with 90,000 fleeing the zone around the nuclear plant in Fukushima, according to Kyodo News.

The death toll was lower due to Japan's earthquake early warning system.
Japan has spent well more than $1 billion on earthquake prediction systems
Primary Wave the first sign of an earthquake is detected by a network of 1000 land based GPS based sensors and then sensors trigger a nationwide alert which shut down energy systems.

Residents in coastal areas had 15 minutes advance warning of the tsunami while residents of Tokyo had at least 40 minutes to prepare for the quake.

Japanese video shows the warning leading up to the quake.

Japan Global Help Aid started –

The San Diego-based aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan is on its way to the northeast coast of earthquake-ravaged Japan to provide assistance. In few days it will reach to Japan.
Reagan has airlift capabilities and can provide medical facilities

Lady Gaga has designed a prayer bracelet with proceeds going to disaster relief efforts.
Little Monsters, show your support for Japan with this "We Pray for Japan" wristband!
Featuring the phrase in both English and Japanese, the bracelet also includes Gaga's signature Little Monsters claw motion.
Choose your price to add an additional donation with your wristband. All proceeds go directly to Japan relief efforts.


You can aid in disaster relief by donating to Red Cross.
Text REDCROSS to 90999 to make a $10 donation and support our disaster relief efforts to help those affected by the earthquake in Japan and tsunami throughout the Pacific.


Reality Views by sm –
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Suggested Reading –

Japan Nuclear Fukushima Daiichi Power Plan Status after Earthquake and Tsunami


Keywords Tags – Japan Nuclear Power Plant Facts, Japan Nuclear Plant Explosion,
Japan Nuclear Power Plant Scale by INES, Lady Gaga Japan Help Bracelet


Sandhya March 13, 2011  

I didn't know that this quake has shifted Earth from its axis by 4 inches.

I knew that the Japanese had been prepared for their frequent quakes and most of their buildings were built to sustain it. This is real bad.

sm,  March 13, 2011  
