24 March 2011

Case of Safoorah Khan and Justice Department of USA – Obama Preparing for Polls Faith or Education what is important

Case of Safoorah Khan and Justice Department of USA –
Obama Preparing for Polls Faith or Education what is important?

US Justice Department and Obama Preparing for Next Polls – An attempt to please Muslims

Safoorah Khan worked as a teacher, taught middle school Maths in Chicago suburb.
Worked for only 9 months, not an old employee.
Khan arrived in November 2007 at Berkeley’s MacArthur Middle School
She supplemented the math curriculum for sixth through eighth grades and helped prepare students for state tests.

Safoorah Khan demanded three weeks off for a pilgrimage to Mecca during the critical end-of-semester marking period.
She was the only math lab instructor.
As she was the only one math lab instructor and a new employee the school district do not allow her holiday for Mecca.

In August 2008, Khan requested an unpaid leave for the first three weeks of December that year.
The district said the leave was unrelated to Khan’s job and not authorized by the teacher union contract, according to court documents. Khan resigned in a letter to the school board.

Then she resigned from her job and went to Mecca.

Both parties are right at this point.

But Justice Department lawyers examined these facts and they found something different.
Justice Department came to conclusion that school district’s decision amounted to outright discrimination against Khan.
They filed an unusual lawsuit, accusing the district of violating her civil rights by forcing her to choose between her job and her faith.

As the case moves forward in federal court in Chicago.

But now here it clearly shows that attempts are made to divide American society between religions.

Tomorrow on the name of religion and faith demand for
Friday holiday will be raised.
Hindus will demand Diwali, Holi and Dasara and many more holidays.
Christians will demand their holidays.
Jews will demand holidays.

In democracy religion should be kept inside home.

Important is faith or education of student?

In a new job who will give you 19 days holiday?

Thus Obama started his Political preparations for the next elections.
Just Indian style.

If this continues I am sure next American generation will suffer just like we Indians.

Keywords Tag - Safoorah Khan Case, Safoorah Khan Justice Department case,
Safoorah Khan Discrimination, Faith important not education

Reality Views by sm –
Thursday, March 24, 2011