23 February 2011

Baba Ramdev, His Properties and Politics

Baba Ramdev, His Properties and Politics -

As per Reports Patanjali Yogpeeth Trust has property worth more than Rs 1,000 crore in Hardwar alone.

These include a 300-bed multi specialty hospital, a yoga research centre, a university, an ayurvedic pharmacy, a food park and a cosmetics manufacturing unit.

Swami Ramdev is even reported to have acquired a Scottish isle for about £ 2 million a few years ago to set up a wellness retreat.
According to unconfirmed reports, Patanjali Yogpeeth has also acquired major stakes in the Aastha TV channel.

Ramdev's business empire includes hospitals, wellness centres, colleges, and of course herbal products. His trusts are worth Rs 1,100 Crore (Rs 11 billion).

The centre at Haridwar is spread over 600 acres and includes a university.

Ramdev has a sales revenue Rs 25 Crore (Rs 250 million) every month from the sale of medicines.
According to business standard the sale of books and CDs amount to Rs 2 to 3 Crore (Rs 20-30 million)

The 500-acre food park at Haridwar has been set up with an investment of Rs 500 Crore (Rs 5 billion).

Ramdev Baba has been gifted 95 acres of land near Houston in the United States.

As per Baba Ramdev he has never got any land from government of India.

India needs more People like Baba Ramdev who talk about Politics.

Every Indian Saint needs to become like Baba Ramdev, interested in politics and interested in growth of India.

A true saint is one who talks freely and openly about his king.
In democracy Prime Minister and ruling party enjoys the status of King.

Congress should bring the good laws, good amendments then automatically everyone will start to praise the government and ruling party.

Any educated man will say and accept
If compared Baba Ramdev with any politician, Baba Ramdev is superior to any politician of India.

I hope very soon Baba Ramdev and his trust will declare all the properties owned by their trust.

India needs more people like Baba Ramdev, think for a second what Baba Ramdev openly says, we common people can not even dare to say it in public.

So you may or may not like Baba Ramdev, but we have to support him.
For the national cause.
For India.

Now again what will happen,
Our politicians know the trick of divide and rule, now Saints good or bad will start fight with Baba Ramdev and they will not stay united.

Thus power of Saints will get reduced. And who will be beneficiary,
Beneficiary will be a politician and political parties.

We have to support any person who talks about bringing new good laws, new good amendments to our law.

Bring Black money, Make strict laws against corruption, and stop the use of currency notes of 500 and 1000 Indian Rupees

Nothing is wrong in above demands; in past I have also written articles regarding not to use the currency notes of 500 or 1000.

Every Educated person knows whenever black money is found it’s in form of 500 or 1000 Rs. Notes.

The problem is now Baba is talking about forming Political party and he is getting huge support.

Thus everyone is afraid of Baba.

I Hope more and more Babas, Gurus and Sadus and Saints good or bad everyone enters into Politics.

We need to increase competition among politicians and political parties.

Suggested Reading –
Rs. 1100 Crore property declared by Ramdev Baba

Reality Views by sm –
Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Amrit February 24, 2011  


It is very good information. But recently we have been hearing about corruption in this area too...any comments

SM February 24, 2011  

I always say we do not have options
we must choose the less corrupt.

Amrit February 24, 2011  

Hahaha - less corrupt

Jon February 24, 2011  

To be frank I can’t quite get what you are trying to say… Normally you lay out the facts.. this sounds more or less like a rant

sm,  February 24, 2011  

Please read again article.

Mohini Puranik February 26, 2011  

For now, I can't say much about Swami Ramdevji Maharaj. But the thing you are trying to raise, is such that it's in also my mind. Especially when, I saw a shibir by his local disciples here in my place and in front of my home. I felt, it was a publicity stunt for politics. It's so easy to gain popularity by this way in the political context. I heard songs written of him which are based on film songs too. one speech was saying that how he is the only hope for country today!

sm,  February 26, 2011  


Anonymous,  May 04, 2011  

YOGA is all about GOD. Yoga means UNIFICATION with GOD, the path to reach GOD. Anybody in the world is doing business with Yoga means doing business with GOD. Nobody should take money/wealth for showing the path to GOD. Now you see what Ramdev is doing. He is one of the richest person in India. If this is the moto of a YOGI then he is not real YOGI. He is the most corrupted person who can dare to do business with YOGA or better say with GOD. Ramdev is one of them.

sm,  May 05, 2011  


Anonymous,  May 31, 2011  

Baba is not much corrupted as our leaders but, only upto he have not in power/signing authority like our Govt.

sm,  June 01, 2011  


Anonymous,  June 05, 2011  

This is the problem with public, always compramise with less corrupt, which is nothing but encouraging corruption. A person who is not having enough gutts / power do bigger corruption is doing small corruption and saying that the person is doing less corruption is better than bigger corrupts. So, please try to stop corruption from every angle do not encourage any person who is little / big corrupt.

sm,  June 05, 2011  


Amresh,  June 11, 2011  

I Must Say, Dont rid in to this issue all are currupted, in this Issue Baba is getting More publicity internationally, India is huge country, u and me cannot stop the politics curruption, we dont have the options to elect good parties, it means all parties are currupted, BJP is dividing Hindus & Muslims, Congress is slow poison good compare to BJP. We all are used to cuuruption for Ex for my child i have given Cash money to get the Job, if i am not paying then he is Job less. we all are corrupted, even we are giving money to fill the form becoz we dont have time, we want to save time we are giving corruption. thats all. Dont give much attention, if this is baba is a real Yogic guru, he can survive 6 months witout food. dont give attention other one more God will born in Kalyug..

sm June 11, 2011  

we should only focus on the demands against corruption.

Kamal,  January 29, 2012  

Please give more and more information about all things like corruption, indian civilisation, all corrupt leaders

Bhopal Singh Rathore March 31, 2012  

Ramdev Baba is Real Yog Guru

Bhopal Singh Rathore March 31, 2012  

Ramdev Baba is Real Yog Guru

Shweta Gupta April 10, 2012  

As a true BHARTIYA we all must give all our support to Ramdevji. We need crores of people like Ramdevji & Swargiya Rajeev Dixitji.
Swami RAMDEVji Jindabaad.

Shweta Gupta April 10, 2012  


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