02 September 2010

An enemy's enemy is a friend - Meaning of Proverb with Political story explaining meaning of Proverb An enemy's enemy is a friend

An enemy's enemy is a friend - Meaning of Proverb with Political story explaining meaning of Proverb An enemy's enemy is a friend -

Reality views by sm –
Thursday, September 02, 2010

Meaning –

1.China is afraid of India. Pakistan is afraid of India, so china and Pakistan both join hands, became friends and try to trouble India.

2.The phrase the enemy of my enemy is my friend is a proverb that advances the concept that someone who is the enemy of your enemy is therefore your friend

3.Love, friendship and respect do not unite as much as a common hatred.

4.A coalition government is a cabinet of a parliamentary government in which several parties cooperate to keep their common enemy party away from the government.

Political Stories explaining the meaning of Proverb - An enemy's enemy is a friend

1.During World War I longtime enemies Britain and France united against Germany

2.World War II - UK fought war with Germany and Japan. That time great Indian freedom fighter Subhash Chandra Bose went to Germany and prepared his army to gain Independence from British People. Japan, an enemy of Britain, became a friend of Indians fighting against the British rule in India. Subhash Chandra Bose became immortal as Netaji Bose.


BK Chowla, September 02, 2010  

You have analysed so well.I couldn't agree with you more.

chitra September 02, 2010  

Great explanation. Even in family feuds we find such things.

Samvedna September 02, 2010  

Love, friendship and respect do not unite as much as a common hatred...its so true..unity is stronger in criminals and terrorists than social workers:)

triloki nagpal September 02, 2010  

Rightly and nicely explained.

Bikram September 02, 2010  

RIGHTLY said.. thats the way it is and nicely explained..

i guess it makes it easier if two try to reach a goal together ..

sm,  September 02, 2010  

BK Chowla,,

sm,  September 02, 2010  


sm,  September 02, 2010  


sm,  September 02, 2010  


sm,  September 02, 2010  
