23 December 2009

Ruchika Molestation and Suicide Case – A complete Case Study

Ruchika Molestation and Suicide Case – A complete Case Study – A national shame
Justice Delayed is Justice Denied.

Ruchika had committed suicide in 1993, three years after she complained that Rathore had molested her.

At her tender age Ruchika understood that she will not get justice and she went to into depression and committed suicide.

Rs 1000 i.e. less than $25 and imprisonment of just six month for molestation this is the Indian legal system.This is the Bitter Truth of India.

Do we still say we do not need to change the laws and reform legal system in India where every court will work as fast track court
How many years he got the punishment is secondary question , important question is that our Indian legal system took 19 years to punish the guilty person.

While this case was going on our government kept giving Rathore promotions in his service. Rathore, who was an inspector general in Haryana police when the molestation incident took place, continued to be promoted by successive governments in the state despite the charges against him. He became Haryana DGP (October 1999-December 2000) during the rule of chief minister Om Prakash Chautala.

The signed letter was there, everything was there, when a foreign girl is raped a case is solved in a month, but when our Indian female or girl child is molested it takes 19 years to punish the guilty person. 

This clearly shows and makes up the case to reform the law as well as legal system. This happens with all the girls in India, only few strong persons like Anand can do this, otherwise a phone call comes from the higher authority and a family withdraws the cases and shift there location. 

This is India, and this is our Indian legal system, if you got money law is your Devdasi.

Why do we demand fast track Courts?

Why all the courts can not work as fast track courts?

Do they get less salary?

A committee should be set up to find and punish the persons who delayed this case purposefully.
"Like the Jessica Lal and Priyadarshi Mattoo cases, this case should also be reopened and the guilty be punished.
Why is it that no action was taken against the police which pressurized and threatened Ruchika's family?

Ruchika case - what happened with Ruchika?

• On August 16, 1990 Ruchika submitted a signed memorandum before the Haryana governor which acted as the foundation on which case was registered.

• An FIR was registered on December 29, 1999 under section 354 (outrage the modesty).

• On August 12, 1990, Ruchika along with her friend Aradhana went to play at the lawn tennis court and met Rathore.

• On seeing both of them, Rathore asked Aradhana to call the tennis coach to his room. But she returned half way.

• Immediately thereon, Reemu returned to the office. On entering the office Reemu found that the accused was holding one hand of Ruchika while his other hand was around her waist and Ruchika was trying to get herself released by pushing the accused with her other hand which was not held by the accused."

• In the meanwhile, finding Ruchika alone Rathore did a shameful act He molested Ruchika, who is younger than his daughter

• on August 12, 1990 at about 12:00 noon, Rathore, President, Haryana Lawn Tennis Association molested Ruchika in the office after securing her presence on the pretext of discussions on arrangements to promote her tennis career.

• After the molestation, which took place in the office of the Haryana Lawn Tennis Association in August 1990, Rathore, later promoted to DGP, pulled rank

• Anand and Madhu Prakash went to then Haryana home secretary with a memorandum. This was the first official complaint for an inquiry into the molestation.

• The same day, Ruchika went to the tennis court around 5pm to find a notice declaring her suspension (with effect from August 13, 1990) on the notice board.

• Police landing at their doorstep in 1993 and parading her brother outside the house. "Ruchika was told that her father would meet with the same fate if she did not take her complaint back,"

• In September 1990, her school expelled her without citing any reason.

• “The Special Ambala CBI judicial magistrate had ordered adding the section of abetment of suicide (in the chargesheet against Rathore). But in 2002 the Punjab and Haryana High Court quashed the order

• The CBI said that because Ruchika had killed herself three years after the molestation, her death could not be linked to Rathore. Oddly enough, the CBI's own chargesheet contradicts that. It says, "The investigation has also disclosed that after the incident of molestation of Ms Ruchika remained confined to her house and remained depressed. Later, she committed suicide."

• Ruchika's elder brother, Ashu, then only a teenager, was thrashed by police and slapped with several cases

• Ruchika's teenager brother was slapped with 11 cases, most involving him in theft.

• Ashu was arrested by the Crime Branch of Panchkula police in October 1993, allegedly at the behest of Rathore, and kept in illegal detention for a period of more than two months. He was allegedly forced to sign on blank papers, which were used by the police to show his "confessions" that he stole 11 cars.

• Ashu was acquitted by the court in all the cases later on.

Time Line of Ruchika Case -

• Aug 12, 1990: Rathore, then IG, molests Ruchika at his office-cum-home

• Sept 3, 1990: Inquiry report indicts Rathore.

• Sept 20, 1990: Ruchika expelled from school for ‘indiscipline’

• Aug 12, 1992: Case referred to Haryana Chief Secretary for advice.

• Oct 23, 1993: Ruchika's brother arrested in several theft cases.

• Dec 28, 1993: Ruchika commits suicide.

• Anand Parkash and his wife took over the fight as Ruchika's family fell silent after her death. Prakash says Rathore offered to settle the case out of court, but his reply was: the only person who had a right to settle it was dead.

• Nov 1994: Rathore gets promoted; no action on inquiry report.

• 1994-1997: Complainant Anand Parkash tries to get copy of the inquiry report; finally gets it in 1997.

• November 1997: Anand Parkash moves High Court

• August 21, 1998: High Court directs CBI to conduct inquiry•

• November 16, 2000: CBI files charge sheet

• July 2002: Rathore retires.

• Nov 5, 2009: Case transferred from Ambala court to CBI Chandigarh•

• Dec 11, 2009: Court closes final arguments, sets date for verdict

• Dec 15, 2009: Case adjourned till December 21

• Dec 21, 2009: CBI court gives six-month jail to Rathore.

• Rathore was given a jail sentence of 6 months and fined Rs 1,000. He managed to get bail soon after the verdict was announced

• After punishment once again we noticed in India that a criminal always wins the case no matter what as law and our system has become mistress of rich and powerful people of India. Before Independence British people enjoyed this status today our own people enjoy this status.

Anand Prakash the man who fought the case –
After Ruchika's death, her family withdrew into a shell. But Parkash carried on the battle. "It is unfair to blame her father and brother for not pursuing the case. In fact, they had given me an affidavit under which I could act on their behalf. I was harassed as well. I was a Haryana government employee. Out of the blue disciplinary charges were slapped against me. I was abruptly transferred along with my entire staff to far off places. But I was supported by my wife and daughter who kept fighting."

The Prakash family, which was involved in bringing the incident to public gaze right from the beginning, became even more resolute after the girl's death. R.R. Singh's report was put in cold storage. No case was registered by the government. Madhu Prakas h, the original petitioner, got a copy of the report only in 1997. She approached the Punjab and Haryana High Court seeking a ruling that a case be registered. The Court observed that a case should have been registered immediately after the receipt of the e (R.R. Singh) report. "Why the State government had allowed eight years to elapse has not been explained properly...," noted the order.
It was his wife, who filed a criminal petition in the Punjab and Haryana High Court.

Update 10th Jan Ruchika case - 

Police make the move arrest Gajendra from Pune
The Haryana Police have arrested Gajendra from Pune, Ganjendra is the man on whose testimony Ruchikas brother Ashu Girhotra was booked in six auto theft cases.
Gajandra had testified against Ashu in the court, saying the latter was his accomplice in car theft cases.

Gajendra was arrested at Pune - Baner Road around 11.30 pm on Friday and produced before the court to get the transit remand so then can take him to the Panchkula in Haryana and interrogate him to find out why he falsely implicated Ashu in car theft cases.
In the year 1994 Gajendra was arrested for car theft who named that Ashu and his friend Sandeep as his accomplices but court cleared the two of all charges and convicted Gajendra for the thefts and but he later escaped and was proclaimed offender.

Below is the photo of Prakash and his wife

Below is the photo of Ruchika and Molestor Rathor .

Justice Delayed is Justice Denied .

Punish all the people who delayed the procedure of law .

UPDATE – Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Former police officer S P S Rathore, who was on Tuesday imprisoned for 18 months for molesting teenaged tennis player Ruchika Girhotra, has "no remorse for the wrong committed by him", said a Chandigarh court while increasing his punishment.


sm,  December 23, 2009  

The National Commission for Women [NCW] decided to form committee to examine Ruchika Girhotra case which will submit the report in two months.
The committee will examine the events and investigate whether there was any attempt to hush up the matter.

Neha December 24, 2009  

i don't even know what to say about this whole issue...our judicial system is impotent..I have so many examples of such a thing whereby justice was delayed unnecessarily..people are scared to file a suit thinking it wil go on and on for 20-25 days; lawyers advise clients to default payments, break contracts etc as they know that if a suit is filed, the case will come on board after 5 years; and what not..

Everymatter December 24, 2009  

a deadline must be framed and all those who are responsible for death of ruchika must be hanged and their whole property must be auctioned.

Family of Ruchika and Mr. Anand must be awarded for their brave job.

It should be noted that we forget it after few weeks of discussion.

I propose to start a support movement / memorandum / letter / email for justice to Ruchika and send it to editor / governor / judiciary

Just send me your view to me at sandeeptec @ gmail. com

RNSANE December 24, 2009  

As a forensic nurse in San Francisco, who recently retired, after 21 years caring for victims of child sexual abuse, I find it so devastating about this horrible injustice to Ruchika and her family. It is not only India that is archaic in their prosecution of sexual offenders. While we certainly have better services for child victims in the U. S., it is still difficult to prosecute cases. I know Virginia Lynch, one of the founding nurses of the International Association of Forensic Nurses has been to India to teach at the University level about the utilization of nurse examiners to collect evidence in such cases but basic law must be changed as well.

Aswani December 24, 2009  

Hi SM, this is truly shameful. Don't know what to say after reading all these. These high profile people seated at the top do all kinds of madness and then they find it so easy to escape. Yes, there is a big loophole in our judicial system. Its high time that our judicial system is revamped and right justice is given to the people at the right time. Feels ashamed to be an Indian when you read all these...

BK Chowla, December 24, 2009  

Rathore is only one part of the story.
I think,we must go beyond Rathore--even while the case was on,how the hell did he get promotions by the concerned CM?
How is police helping the politicians that they are reciprocating such favours?

Sorcerer December 24, 2009  

The action sequences on such process should be fast tracked leaving the accused more time in jail and less time to bend the rules.

I hope the such dirty manipulation happened in Goa rape case(Russian girl)

sm,  December 24, 2009  

Yes In each civil or criminal matter the story is same.Delay and Delay.

sm,  December 24, 2009  

thanks.Now for political credit all the parties will see that case is opened and he is punished and no one will look into matter why the case was delayed ?
you can file petition on line in this support.

sm,  December 25, 2009  

Yes i agree with you but as per my reading of books USA criminal law and procedure is billion times better than India.

sm,  December 25, 2009  

thanks last sixty years same is happening in India.

sm,  December 25, 2009  

this happened because our law is made by BRITISH KINGS and our politicians do not want to change those rules and reform the political system

sm,  December 25, 2009  

yes its same in majority cases.

sahi krris December 25, 2009  

one should take a severe action against all these crap going on in the country.....

all the government officials related to this case should be punished and thrown out of their jobs...

so atleast now WAKE UP an fight for a right cause

Indyeah December 25, 2009  

:(((( justice delayed is justice denied isnt it?:(((

Slumdog Indian,  December 25, 2009  

Delayed justice is injustice, Our legal system is broke. These criminal's like Rathore should be given the most sever punishment, The former CM Choutala who protected such criminal's should definitely be hanged to death. That is the only punishment that can bring justice to Ruchika and make her soul rest in peace. I am not sure why everyone is protesting instead of taking the law in their own hands!

Anonymous,  December 25, 2009  

Why dont Mr Arun Prakash or Ruchika's family expose the names of all the police officials and Govt Officials who harassed them in a blog, may be with photographs if possible. There is no point counting on the Judicial system for any justice. There are so many patriotic citizens who might know other ways of punishing them. I am a Doctor and if Rathore or any of the Govt official were to come to be for a fever, I wouldn't hesitate to inject them with a deadly dose of Insulin or a contaminated HIV+ injection to make sure they live in a hell for the rest of their lives.

Anonymous,  December 25, 2009  

Choutala and Rathore should be punished and made to rot in a jail for the rest of their lives.

All the Govt officials who were responsible for the delay should be hanged to death for their inaction.

Anonymous,  December 25, 2009  

One solution for such a broken justice system is to have a Jury system in India. With such a system in place these criminals like Rathore and politician's like choutala cannot escape or cheat.

The other option is to handover the country to Taliban.

sm,  December 25, 2009  

sahith krishna,
yes, we hope Government will do something now.

sm,  December 25, 2009  


sm,  December 25, 2009  

Slumdog Indian,
This is the begining of Indian youth towards that road.

sm,  December 25, 2009  

thanks for sharing the feelings.
I will suggest you spread the knowledge with your friends.Only knowledge will give us freedom from the white collar criminals.

SindhuBhairavi December 27, 2009  

corruption.. corruption everywhere :(

sm,  December 28, 2009  

corruption and more corruption.= India

sm,  December 28, 2009  

former CBI Joint Director R M Singh, who was the in-charge of the probe, alleged that Rathore managed to get the charge of abetment of suicide dropped from the chargesheet besides making attempts to bribe officers handling the probe.

sm,  December 28, 2009  

Supreme Court had earlier affirmed the verdict of Punjab and Haryana High court of setting aside the judgment of the trial court adding Section 306 IPC in the trial".

ABHINANDAN,  December 28, 2009  



sm,  December 28, 2009  


sm,  December 28, 2009  

Ranjan Lakhanpal - a senior advocate from Punjab and Haryana High Court - filed A public interest litigation (PIL) has been filed against the Chandigarh based Sacred Heart School, where Ruchika Girhotra studied.Ruchika Girhotra was a student of Class 10,The school had expelled her under pressure from former Haryana Director General of Police (DGP) SPS Rathore, the man who molested her.
The school had claimed that Ruchika was removed on grounds of not paying the school fees in time.

Anonymous,  December 28, 2009  

Isn't it a food for thought that why all major breaking news in india are generated in and around the Chandigarh Capital region incl Panchkula & Mohali. Example- Ruchika case, KPS gill & Mrs duggal, Jessica lal & Manu Sharma, Chandermohan & Fiza, Beant's singh grandson rape case, IAS officer Sharma Sex Scandel in 2001. No wonder why the punjabi singers are so frugal in using chandigarh in their lyrics. It has got gud masala in town.Panchkula has been a major contributor in stories from the city.Being from detroit i seriously wish to visit this city...it has got a lot to offer i guess. Its Happening!! it seems so..

sm December 29, 2009  

your observation is right,
Welcome to India,

sushant kumar December 29, 2009  

such a bastard , should be paraded naked and hanged in full public view. The CM , another bastard chautala be killed with guns. All those involved in this must be thrown out of jobs and put behind bars. A lesson not to be learnt but should be taught ...

sm,  December 29, 2009  

sushant kumar,

Anonymous,  December 30, 2009  

Retired DGP Rathore must be hanged as soon as possible.

Anonymous,  December 30, 2009  

Former DGP Haryana must be hanged in the school where Ruchika had been studying.
Action must be taken against the principal of the school,who sacked Ruchica without any reason.

Admin December 30, 2009  

Hi SM, I am here again. see this - http://swathi-pradeep.blogspot.com/2009/12/aftermath.html

SM December 30, 2009  


SM December 30, 2009  

thanks.But what about the people who delayed the case.

SM December 30, 2009  

thanks just went to the link which you have provided as i read the article i find again lack of legal knowledge.
She miss the total point in this case.
i will again comment here and on her blog also.

Anonymous,  December 31, 2009  

This is the fucking naked truth of indian law and justice. Swine like Rathore who held top position in Police if commit sin like this then we living in jungle raj. If our law and order fail to provide justice than we the people of India should take this in to our hand, should come together and punish rathore in to the extent so in future some one not even think of doing such thing in their dreams.

sm,  January 02, 2010  


sm,  January 02, 2010  

The Panchkula sessions court on Friday granted an interim bail to former Haryana Director General of Police (DGP) SPS Rathore and put a stay on his arrest till January 7.

youaskme January 03, 2010  

visit http://youaskmee.blogspot.com/2010/01/ruchika-molestation.html

sm,  January 03, 2010  


sm,  January 05, 2010  

Haryana Police registered an FIR against former Director General of Police (DGP) SPS Rathore under Section 306 in the Ruchika Girhotra suicide case.
Abetment to suicide, if proven, carries a punishment of up to 10 years in jail and is a non-bailable offence.

Anonymous,  January 08, 2010  

(DGP) SPS Rathore the devil must be hanged for devilish act.

sm,  January 08, 2010  

The Panchkula court on Friday dismissed the bail plea of former Haryana DGP SPS Rathore in the Ruchika Girhotra molestation case. With the dismissal of the bail application, Rathore's arrest is expected soon.

sm,  January 08, 2010  


Anonymous,  January 11, 2010  

keeping this man's gene in human gene pool is a shame for the whole race

Anonymous,  January 12, 2010  

the animal,rathore should b hanged till death...tis l b a litl justice 2 ruchika...

n all those who wr responsibl 4 delays should b given serious punishments so tat ppl dnt dare to do any such thing...

hope tis government takes serious actions against each n every animal like rathore...n those who help such ppl..


sm,  January 13, 2010  


sm,  January 13, 2010  

Rathore's bail extended till Feb 8
The case will be heard by the court continuously for three days Feb 8, 9 and 10.

sm,  February 15, 2010  

Ruchika case hearing adjourned till April 5
Justice Sabrina adjourned the case after CBI counsel Anmol Rattan Sidhu told the Punjab and Haryana High Court that the CBI, which is investigating the case, needed more time.

Justice delayed is justice denied.

sm,  March 15, 2010  

The Court of Additional District and Sessions Judge Raj Shekhar Attri adjourned the hearing of the appeal as well as Rathore's appeal against his sentence till April 15.
Justice delayed is justice denied.

sm,  May 11, 2010  

Its expected that on 20th May 2010 The court will give final verdict in Ruchika Molestation and Suicide Case

sm,  May 20, 2010  

Verdict on the plea of SPS Rathore in the Ruchika Girhotra molestation case has been postponed till May 25. The disgraced former Haryana DGP had appealed against a six-month sentence.

sm,  May 26, 2010  

Ex-Haryana DGP SPS Rathore, sentenced to 18-month prison term by a court in the Ruchika molestation case filed a review petition in the Punjab and Haryana High Court and sought bail.

sm,  May 26, 2010  

Justice Gurdev Singh told Rathore's counsel that there was no urgency in hearing the plea, moved by his lawyer and wife Abha Rathore, and listed the matter for hearing May 28
The high court is closing for summer vacations May 29 for one month and Rathore might find it difficult to get early relief.

musa lodhi,  June 03, 2010  

this is the bloody game played by the goverment officals and the people who are dealing with goverment matters with out sitting on seat....how the hell he gets promotion the indian goverment is sleeping or giving this rascal courage to do the same with other girls and hats off to the punishment Rs.1000/= + 6 months jail and that also after 18 years......peoples its better to kill these type of animal from our society

sm June 04, 2010  

musa lodhi,

sm,  June 04, 2010  

Punjab and Haryana High Court deferred the pronouncement of the verdict on his [Haryana DGP SPS Rathore] revision petition in the Ruchika molestation case to June 29. Vacation Judge Ajay Tewari, who had deferred the pronouncement of the verdict on Rathore's plea adjourned the case.

Anonymous,  June 23, 2010  

This is an alarming case to the youth generation... Though many of us has heard about the incident, but after watching the wonderful show called 'Crime Patrol' I came to know about the complete fact.. I feel this is just one among thousands of such cases, which are in fact increasing every day. But according to my view I don't think, so called present DGP Rathore is the only punishable person. Since he had powers, he just tried to utilize it in all ways, to save himself. Rather the real culprit is our own build society, which has forced this little girl to quit this battle... Come forward, we all can contribute against these crimes on our own little ways... Look around and first at yourself !! Only you and I, together us can change this world...

sm,  June 23, 2010  


teddy,  June 23, 2010  

indian legal system is curse

sm,  July 01, 2010  

The government decided to withhold full pension on "permanent basis" of tainted former Haryana DGP S P S Rathore.
A session's court in Chandigarh had on May 25 enhanced Rathore''s jail term from six to 18 months
In January this year, the government had stripped Rathore of his police medals. Rathore was awarded the police medal for meritorious service in 1985.

Anonymous,  July 02, 2010  

How is it that common people are immediately Hand Cuffed yet Criminals like Rathore are walking as VIPs with the Policemen following the criminsal "Saab" and doing what he wants.Is this Justice ?

sm,  July 02, 2010  

this is the India, this happens only in India.

Anonymous,  September 17, 2010  

this had been such a case which has alwaz been in limelight. i say that this has been the worst shameful act done by a police person, who himself is a father of a girl. he waould have thought once about his daughter before doing so........ & yes this is INDIA. where people like this gets bail n they raom anywhre like a free bird.

sm,  September 17, 2010  


sm,  November 11, 2010  

11 November 2010

The Supreme Court today granted bail to jailed former Haryana DGP S P S Rathore in the Ruchika molestation case.

The apex court granted bail after taking into consideration of closure reports by the CBI in two of the three fresh cases filed by the family of Ruchika Girhotra

The CBI had rebutted eight charges made by Ruchika's father and four allegations made by Ashu who claimed that he was taken home in a semi-nude condition and that false cases were slapped on him about auto-theft at the behest of Rathore.

Rathore has already completed six months of his 18-month sentence

Anonymous,  June 05, 2012  

ashamed to be a girl child of india where there is no respect for me

Anonymous,  December 30, 2012  

and again today, we have lost yet another indian daughter to these rapists. Since the govt doesnt have the nuts, i pray that these animals atleast burn in hell.

Anonymous,  October 17, 2013  

Justice comes slowly- it comes on a bullock cart.

I often think about the criminal's wife and daughter. We need awareness. Yes, the people at the CBI must be his buddies and promotions are given by contacts.

We need a mass movement like we saw last year in Delhi.

Anonymous,  September 23, 2016  

pathetic situation of law in india, cried after reading this case.

another victim April 18, 2017  

I am also fighting Criminal case under 156(3) at Delhi Patiala House court for registering FIR against against the accused under 354, and 509 which is pending since 2015 wid the court similar incidents I am facing and undergoing except 01 dissimilarity that is ruchika had support of their uncle and aunt but I have have no one to stand by me