01 July 2009

Liberhan Commission: what we Indians achieved

Liberhan Commission: what we Indians achieved

What is Liberhan Commission?
Liberhan Commission was headed by the retired judge of Supreme Court M S Liberhan
17 Years back Liberhan Commission was established to find out the truth about the demolition of the babri building which may or may not be a mosque , on December 6, 1992, which triggered widespread communal violence leading to heavy loss of lives.
Within ten days this commission was established and it took 17 years to complete the inquiry.
In short what were the duties of the Liberhan Commission?

To find out what happened on 6 December 1992?
Who was responsible for that event?
Who encouraged the demolition of the Babri Building?
Over all in very short it was expected that this commission will find out the truth about this demolition episode.
Reality Views by sm:
All this activities can be done by the police officers there is no need to waste taxpayers money. By forming commission .Is it not the duty of police department to maintain law and order in the society and find the guilty persons.
Total expenses 8 crore rupees were spend on Liberhan commission.
This commission got 48 extensions.
The commission was expected to give submit there inquiry report on the
16 March 1993,in 3 months but it took 17 years.
Now what will happen, the truth is that it is the waste of Indian tax payers money.
What will happen to this report, the political parties will fight and shout on this report.
No one will go to jail or pay the fine.
2nd is central government will put a label of Official secrecy act on that and it will go into files cabinet forever.
The suggestion is that government of India should make a law which will prohibit formation of this type of commission, and that a police complainat should be filed and let the police department do its duty.Please do not waste the tax payer’s money. If you really believe in this commission and support it then please make a law that, every commission will submit its report at the same time to the Supreme Court of India, Prime Minister of India, Opposition party of India and 4th to the press and media. The report should be binding on the government and if report demands arrest this person then whatever name it says government should file a criminal complaint against that person and let the judiciary check how much truth is inside that report.
We do not want reports and commission which do not have any value in the law, which is used as a time pass by political parties.
We all know that what happened to the report of RamPradhan commission, it went to the files cabinet forever.RamPradhan commission was formed to probe the mumbai attacks.
Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied


ankit,  July 02, 2009  

one more time good post

BK Chowla, July 02, 2009  

sm,we have acheived nothing.We have lost Rs 8 Crs as the cost of this report.The world community will be laughing at our systems.Do we expect any justice after it has taken 17 yrs.
And in my opinion...the case has now actually started.Having had the report in their hands,they will not miss this oppurtunity to take full advantage.Mark my words..report will never be tabled,no action will be taken..it will always be used as a threat for furtue programmes.It will always come up as a topic during next and next and next elections....msg will be,behave or else.It will be another topic like...1984 riots-Godhra-Mr Q-Bofors.These are holy cows to be worshipped during elections

sm July 03, 2009  

BK,thanks for adding other names also.i agree with you.

Indyeah July 03, 2009  

Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied
I agree.
specially when its all hogwash and not justice at all.

as BK Chowla SIr says rightly..these are holy cows to be worshipped during elections. and nothing more.

sm,  July 03, 2009  

Indyeah, yes i also agree with the BK.

sm,  July 03, 2009  

everymatter thanks.

vinny July 04, 2009  

Indian taxpayers money forms major funding for most of govt humbug!!

thanks for ur relaity views, SM:)

sm,  July 04, 2009  

VIINE thanks

preposterous girl July 08, 2009  

Very rightly pointed out Sm that if the govt truly believes in these reports then punish the guilty party whoever or in whatever position he is in..
These r just the tactics of the people in power to pocket some money..
Bk rightly pointed out that world community must be laughing over our system..

sm,  July 14, 2009  

preposterous girl thanks