06 March 2009

what is the price of a baby ? stolen baby case

  • what is the price of a baby ?
    Mohan and Mohini Nerurkar, parents of the baby boy who went missing from Sion hospital on January 1, 2009 did not know how to react when the Bombay High Court on Wednesday directed the BMC to pay them a compensation of not less than Rs 10 lakh until the baby is found.
    its good decesion by bombay highcourt that they ordered to Bmc to pay compensation.In a statement before the division bench,comprising of Justices Bilal Nazki and AR Joshi, city corporation that is Bombay Municipal Corporation (BMC) said as a policy matter it could not enhance the compensation to more than Rs five lakh.
    By Sm:Reality Views :
    what is the price of a baby ?
    do you think for a new born baby a price can be fixed.
    is this justified, compensation that is also only 10 lakh.
    how much price you will fix for your baby .
    1 crore or 100 crore.
    if that baby is stolen and if monetary help is requried to fix how it can be fix ?
    minimum compensation should be 1 crore for a baby . so this will become a landamark judgement  and other hospitals will take care that no baby is lost in future.
    compensation should be fix in such a way that it will become a landmark.
    making every negligent person aware that what can happen to him if he is negligent towards his professional duties.
    its very good decesion by the our honourable highcourt that they ordered compensation  In india ,kids are the only help and source of parents for medical help or monetary help in there oldage.
    this is reason compensation should be in crores like 1 crore or 100 crore.
    as baby is priceless.


Anonymous,  March 07, 2009  

nice one....
well The Baby is Priceless no doubt about that.

~ Kunal

workhard March 18, 2009  

That is just so horrible. how can anyone put a price tag on their own baby. HOw rutheless these people are to steal children

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