02 March 2009

Reservation and India after 90 years. part - one.

  • Reservation and India after 90 years. part - one.

    This is a year 2099 month of april
    the political parties of india are discussing very imp matter,
    the congress and Bjp both parties have formed the coalition goverment
    with the condition that every month one person fromeach caste and subcaste will become
    prime minister of india,like one month brahmin is prime minister,then one month sikh then one month muslim.
    so the intense meeting is going inside our loksabha, the debate is to introduce
    reservation on the inhaleing of oxygen, congress and Bjp has put this bill on the table, and left parties are angree, on this as usual they are saying we will not support.
    the other parties are demanding first we have to count how much oxygen is available  in india , and some other parties are calling for purification of oxygen as they do want oxygen used by other caste people.
    this is month of april so the great intelligent powerful Sikh is a prime miniser of india for 1 month.
