01 April 2009

India :Know which are Bailable offences

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India :Know which are Bailable offences -
Bailable offence means an offence which is made bailable by law for the time being in force.
Bailable offences are those offences in which the accused is having a matter of right to be released on bail.

Following are the few bailable offences in India:

• section 144: joining an unlawful assembly armed with any deadly weapon
• section 147: Rioting
• Section 148: Rioting with carrying arms and deadly weapons.
• section 167:public servant framing an incorrect document with intent to cause injury
• section 171:bribery
• section 216:harbouring robbers and dacoits
• section 259: having possession of counterfeit govt stamp
• section 272:adulterating food or drink intended for sale
• section 284:dealing with any poisonous substance so as to endanger human life etc
• section 285: dealing with fire or any combustible matter so as to endanger human life etc
• section 304: causing death by rash or negligent act
• section 312: causing miscarriage
• section 323:voluntarily causing hurt
• section 324:voluntarily causing hurt by dangerous weapons or means
• section 325:voluntarily causing grievous hurt
• section 336:doing any act which endangers human life or the personal safety of others
• section 337:causing hurt by an act which endangers human life
• section 341: wrongfully restraining any person
• section 342:wrongfully confining any person
• section 356: assault or criminal force in attempt to commit theft of property
• section 363: kidnapping
• section 370:buying or disposing of any person as a slave
• section 376:intercourse by public servant with women in his custody
• section 385:attempting to commit extortion
• section 417:cheating
• section 447: criminal trespass
• section 448:house trespass
• section 465: forgery
• section 477:falsification of accounts
• section 489:possession of forged or counterfeit currency or bank notes
• section 500:defamation
• section 504: insult intended to provoke breach of the peace
• section 506:criminal intimidation to cause death


kunal April 03, 2009  

Hey Sm..........
Hows u Buddy???? Was Little Busy so culd not read ur Blog....
Anyways Dude Nice Post.....
You have good knowledge about offences & their sections... I didn't know much about that.... Thanks for Sharing....
& Buddy I think we should exchange links..... what u say???


kunal April 04, 2009  

Follow me widget is not available in wordpress... & yeah bro. ur Follow me widget is not working properly... have you joined orkut?
One Example of link exchange is "http://www.tricksystem.com/" Similarly we can also add.. what you say buddy This will surely help..

sm,  July 07, 2010  

future mantra,,