25 January 2009

India Mob rules casestudy : Girls thrashed in Mangalore pub

India Mob rules casestudy : Girls thrashed in Mangalore pub
Mangalore, Jan 25 2009 Members of Sri Ram Sangthan, a Hindu organisation, thrashed girls and boys in a pub here last night. 

20-30 members of Sri Ram Sangathan ransacked a local pub here, alleging it to be involved in drug deals. The members began beating the boys in the pub but soon they got violent on women too. 

A case is filed by the pub's management with the area police who have arrested two members of the organization.

Who has given the right to Sri ram sangathan to beat boys and girls ?

In india do we got democracy or Taliban Raj ?

where is police ? where is judiciary ?
Does there is no fear of law in this people ?

we have to make such a laws where this should not happen ?