21 December 2008

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India got funds for usa and uk universites when land of son is dying and uneducated.


Above is a one of the pic of indian village schools.

India got funds for usa and uk universites when land of son is dying and uneducated.

It is about the Government of India gifting $4.5 million (nearly Rs 23 crore) for Harvard University to establish a fund in honour of Prof Amartya Sen
The government had earlier given £3.2 million (nearly Rs 26 crore) to the Cambridge University’s Judges Business school to celebrate Nehru’s entry as a student of Trinity College

Do you think when our farmers are comminting suicide,our village schools are held under tree, millions of young boys work but dont go to schools,
a country where education is not fundamental right, in this courty our so called talented politicians are giving such big dontations to usa and uk universites
why you think our govt is giving them donations ?
Few guess , may be this universited in future will give the admissions to this ministers sons and dauthers or give them scholorship etc.
may be they want to get honorary degrees 
something is fishy there ?
our IIM and IITs are not getting funds properly,our schools dont have playgrounds and this our goverment is giving them crores 
what is reason son of india is uneducated and starved 
are we indepedent or are we still ruled by some king .


TANIA SELIGMANN December 21, 2008  

I like your blog too!
I'll be checking it, I can read some english, but I dind't know there is a way you can translate it?
that's so good :)

TANIA SELIGMANN December 21, 2008  

maybe u can help me sending the link or url to add it on my blog.
I can not find how to do it. ;)

TANIA SELIGMANN December 23, 2008  

thanks so much for taking your time to explain :)
blessings and happy holidays!

Unknown January 02, 2009  

The reason is we the stupid commoners who elect Congress or BJP, thinking they make develpment. It is time to find an alternate way. Atleast the educated people should get involved in Politics with good intention and ambition.

SM December 19, 2009  


SM December 19, 2009  

yes i agree with you.