07 July 2012

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Full Report 25 Facts regarding Delhi Airport Metro Watch Delhi Metro Documentary

Tags - Delhi Airport Metro Repairs Cost Profits

Full Report 25 Facts regarding Delhi Airport Metro Watch Delhi Metro Documentary

The 23-kilometre-long Delhi Airport Metro Express is one of the country's fastest metro corridors where trains run at speeds of 105 kilometers per hour.

The line is barely 16 months old.

project  cost nearly Rs. 6000 crore

As a public-private project, the Delhi Metro Rail Corp (DMRC) was to carry out civil works of the airport project and a consortium led by Reliance Infrastructure was to operate the line for 30 years and share the revenue.

Airport Metro Express will be closed from tomorrow for an unspecified period

Because of the defects, speeds on the corridor were reduced to 25 kilometers per hour.

civil structure was built by the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC)

Reliance Infra operates and maintains the corridor

Delhi Airport Metro Express is a subsidiary of Reliance Infra.

During the annual inspection in May 2012 by the operator, Delhi Airport Metro Express they found defects, problems.

Over 10 percent of the bearings, that is about 230 out of 2100, need repair.

In June 2012, Operator reported the defects the DMRC, the Government of India and the Government of Delhi

The DMRC admitted the defects in the civil structures and has agreed to carry out necessary rectifications.

Repairs have to be done below the girders," TOI reported that 250 out of the 2,100 bearings on the elevated line were found to be defective. Bearing are concrete structures on top of pillars on which girders rest.

Now a committee is formed A committee comprising officials from the Indian Railways, Delhi Metro and Reliance Infrastructure is already going into the nature of defects and would submit a report within the next 10 days.

Today Government said that high-speed corridor would resume services in two months’ time after necessary repairs

Urban Development Secretary Sudhir Krishna told to media that we have to stop the service for commuter safety. By the end of August, we expect the line to be functional again. We have full confidence the line will be restored after a month,"

Few people say that because of the loss they have stopped the Delhi Airport Metro service.

In just 16 months the civil structure got problems, so do you think corruption happened or low quality material was used to increase profits?

Do you think Retired SC Judges should investigate the matter only then we will know the truth?

In May 2012, faults were detected then why services were not stopped in the Month of May 2012, why delay?

Media has reported that Reliance infra may demand compensation from the DMRC as corridor is closed now for repairs.

Currently it is not clear who will pay for the repairs DMRC or Reliance Infra.

Many times on the name of repairs, corruption happens in India example is city roads.

After 2 months Metro will start again but we Indians will never know the truth what was the problem , who was guilty?

Watch the Delhi Metro Documentary by Discovery

Part 1

Part 2 –

Part 3 –

Part 4 –

Part 5 –

Reality views by sm –

Saturday, July 07, 2012