16 May 2012

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USA President Barack Obama How much Worth Income Salary How much President Obama earns

USA President Barack Obama How much Worth Income Salary
How much President Obama earns

Barack Obama is the former Senator from Illinois and the 44th President of the United States.

Barack Obama is the President of No.1 Country.

President Barack Obama's estimated assets for the last year are valued at $8 million (Rs. 43.3 Crore).

Obama has a 30-year housing loan of more than $500,000 (Rs. 2.7 Crore) on his Chicago home at an interest rate of 5.625 per cent.

President Obama earns his income through his books also.

President Obama made from $ 250,000 (Rs. 1.3 Crore) to $2.1 million (Rs. 11.34 Crore) in book royalties in 2011.

Dreams from My Father and the children's book Of Thee I Sing each accounted for $100,000 (Rs. 54.2 lakh) to $1 million
and The Audacity of Hope accounted for $50,000 (Rs. 2.7 lakh) to $100,000.

he has up to $1 million (Rs. 5.4 Crore) in the JP Morgan Chase and currently FBI is investigating the JP Morgan

As President of USA how much salary President Obama earns?
What benefits he receives?

President Barack Obama’s base salary is $400,000 a year.
He also has access to a $150,000 expense account as well as a $100,000 tax free travel account and $20,000 entertainment budget.

Thus President Barack Obama is poor than many Indian politicians.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Tags – President Barack Obama income


virendra sharma May 16, 2012  

Good update SM.Thanks .

jamos jhalla May 16, 2012  

Interesting Updates Thanks

Michael May 16, 2012  

Wow, had no idea, thanks for sharing.

रविकर May 16, 2012  

आश्चर्य जनक आंकड़े ||

Baur May 17, 2012  

Wonder why they keep his salary down

Kaze May 17, 2012  

His opponent for presidency this election is worth more than 250million in assets, Mitt Romney.

Jim May 17, 2012  

I always knew presidents had nice salaries, good find

The HorrorGames May 17, 2012  

Interesting as always :P

DWei May 17, 2012  

That's really odd. I would have thought the opposite.

Anonymous,  May 19, 2012  
