03 February 2012

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Google can censor content starts to give Blogspot Country specific domain name

Google can censor content starts to give Blogspot Country specific domain name

Google starts to give blogspot country specific domain names

Few days back twitter announced that it can block tweets country wise.

Last month that is January 2012 Google also started to make changes to its blogspot platform.

As per new changes Google is now redirecting users to country-specific domains for its Blogger sites

If you are user from India and you are going to visit blogspot.com , the user will be go blogspot.in site.

Now if you are a blogger from India and then your blogger domain name will become


Example is my own blog - http://realityviews.blogspot.com

Now you can open it using .in domain also.


Currently both .com and .in both are working for my blog.

If you are in Australia it will be .au

.in domain will help Google to censor content and follow the local laws.

Now Google has started to give country specific domain names to blogger that is blogspot platform.

Because of the above move it will become very easy for the Google to follow the court orders , to follow the country wise laws etc.

Internet Users visiting blogname.blogspot.com from India are being automatically redirected to blogname.blogspot.in.

Using this method content removal can be managed on a per country basis, which will limit their impact to the smallest number of readers." Essentially, if a Blog is removed in India, It will still be visible in other parts of the world where its content is not considered illegal.

Reality views by sm

Friday, February 03, 2012

Tags – Google Censorship


dopdavid February 03, 2012  

yes i heard about this, it can't be good for freedom of speech anywhere!

sm,  February 03, 2012  


yes it may limit the freedom of expression.

Unknown February 03, 2012  

yes it may limit the freedom


sm,  February 03, 2012  

Krish00123, thanks.
Kirtivasan, thanks.
Jay, thanks.

Destination Infinity February 03, 2012  

Some level of censorship is required on the net. I trust google more than I trust any govt or any other company, to do the best for their subscribers.

Destination Infinity

chitra February 05, 2012  

Nice info. I was wondering why it was appearing like that in my link.

ra February 07, 2012  

not sure whether its a good thing done by google for the bloggers .. lets just wait and watch.

sm,  February 07, 2012  

@rahul aggarwal

yes lets just wait and watch.